Hey everyone !
This has just been tweeted, so I will post it as soon as I can :).
【お知らせ】ドラマCD「最遊記」NOISY(8月22日発売)より視聴第3弾(トラックⅢ:Dangerous Lake)が、本日よりアニメイトTVにて配信中です!!視聴第4弾は8月16日UP予定です♪(商品担当:シロ) 視聴はこちら→
http://www.animate.tv/pv [Notice] A new extract from the upcoming Saiyûki Drama CD "Noisy" - available - August, 22nd - is now online : it is the third track of the CD and is called "Dangerous Lake". The following one will be be online, on August, 16th. Please click here : [link].
Summary of this audio drama :
Ⅲ:Dangerous Lake旅の疲れを癒すため、湖に立ち寄る三蔵一行。水浴びをしている最中、魚が泳いでいるのを見つけた悟空と悟浄は、手づかみや釣りで食糧確保をしようとするが......。休息をとるために立ち寄った湖で、悟浄が絶体絶命のピンチに!?
The Ikkô stops by a lake to have a rest. In the middle of bathing, Gojô and Gokû find fish swimming around and want to catch them - by catching of fishing - to make sure they have enough food for the ride, but... whereas Gojô wanted to get some sleep, he finds himself driven into a corner !?
Here is an extract from the dialogue - those are in fact the first lines Gojô and Gokû say :
- Oye Gojô, look ! I can see loads of fish swimmin' !
- Yeah ! Gonna get me some !
- Me too ! *jumps into the water*
- Are you stupid or what ? You're gonna make them flee !
Are they not cute !
By the way, given the fact that I wrote them according to what I understood from the drama, I maybe made some mistakes. If so, please accept my apologies.
Edit :
Maybe you have already seen it, but the Rômaji for Gojô and Gokû - for example - can seem to be a problem...
By that, I mean this "accent" thing. I learned to never write "jyo" nor" kuu", but "jô" and "kû". So I would like to know if you are bothered by it, and if so, please tell me !
I have been thinking about that matter for quite some time, now, so I am glad I finally express it in words.