I didn't write the following, although I agree with it completely. It is an intelligent and eloquent statement.
Furthermore, it is an issue I feel strongly about, so I will not place this behind a cut. You may scroll by without reading, but you cannot ignore it completely. No apologies, no compromises.Everyone is so concerned about this
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Furthermore, the general consensus of among scientist and physicians is that abortion is not murder.
If you have pursued science degrees and wish to do research which could be published, peer reviewed, and accepted as valid in order to counteract the current opinons of science that is your right.
If you want to go by DNA be careful not to scratch or cut yourself. Don't get anything pierced. You will be MURDERING all those cells with a full compliment of human DNA. ::roll:: If you have your degrees you should know better than to pull the DNA arguement.
So, how do you feel about the fact that most fertilized cells fail to implant? What do you think about women who have trouble becoming pregnant because of problems with their endometrial lining who purposely keep getting their ova fertilezed knowing that the chances of actual pregancy are really damned slim? What punishments would you heap upon them.
The brain of a fetus is nowhere near sentient. It is nothing more than a potential human. Adults on the other hand have a fully developed brain and nervous system. There is a huge difference between committing an atrocity on an adult and aborting a fetus.
First amendment rights do not cover abuse or harrassment.
Anthropolgy is not a science degree. Its an arts degree and in most university tied into either the sociology or psychology departments.
Almost 99% percent of all the scientific literature can't define sentience let alone figure out what it is and when it developes. The nervous system and brain are the first things that develope in the fetus. They have to be because they direct everything else. There is still no differance.
Your DNA argumetn is so pitiful that it doesn't warrant a response, but I'm giving you one anyways. Waht I said was that DNA states that children are the same as adults whether they are born or unborn. They are made up of the same genetic code, and it is only one piece of the evidence that shows that childrn are the same. Blod contains DNA, that is true, but blood is only a part of the whole person. However a fetus is the whole, even if still undeveloped.
So, how do you feel about the fact that most fertilized cells fail to implant? What do you think about women who have trouble becoming pregnant because of problems with their endometrial lining who purposely keep getting their ova fertilezed knowing that the chances of actual pregancy are really damned slim? What punishments would you heap upon them.
1) Not the same thing. They are not even close. Actually they are the exact opposite. In this case a woman is TRYING to create life and not destroy it.
2) I am getting off so that my friend can log on explain my position on these things.
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