Jul 19, 2009 21:12
Yesterday we went to a club in downtown Beppu. So much for a club man. It's called a sports bar. Ok then again maybe its just a bar. But people were dancing a lot like it was a club. Anyway i didn't have fun and left early. But now that i think back about it, i think it was kind of fun. Hahah which!
Anyway the main thing is, i had a conversation with someone from Holland. I didn't hit on him neither did he hit on me but my friend Ayumi and Tony, being the "kids" of the gang, were daring each other to go talk to him. At this point in time actually there were about only 10 of us in the bar. And that's including 4 of 5 Djs spinning and getting very high by themselves.
Anyway yah i looked seriously bored and maybe my friend ayumi was a little bored too so she went to chat up the guy who looked australian in his cargo pants and trekking bag and book. (Imagine that! Reading a book in a boring club! How cool is that i mean seriously. Not making fun cause I wish i could do that too) She told him to join our table and i was like oh man. There goes my night of peace and keeping silent.
But anyway he seemed to be pretty interesting and we talked ALOT. I think the number of words that we spoke could easily amount to what usually comes out of my mouth in a week. That's how little i speak in school nowadays. We talked about the vibe of the people here in japan and since he was on holiday he was different from any of the other europeans i would meet in my school. Cool beans. He was really funny too. Not american-funny but like cool-smart-not-too-much-funny. He also commented that he had dutch accented english, which i couldnt really tell cause i dont really hear it that often.
At this time, the club was playing like half hip hop half (maybe) electronic and some mix of some really old club stuff. Which he then commented he wouldnt be able to dance to that if he tried cause the only stuff he can dance to would be like indie music. I was like oh and then suddenly jerked up and said like WHAT YOU DANCE TO INDIE MUSIC and he seemed so cool to me after that. He said alot of clubs in holland play indie music and from the place that he came from, they had festivals everyday and they were like rock/indie music fests which made me so excited and now i really wanna go holland! He also said the strokes played at a venue in holland when they were still pretty unknown, and got famous after that and sparked off the skinny-jean-converse dressing among the dutch people in holland. its all too cool my head almost exploded.
Anyway he doesnt use facebook and i didnt really thought it necessary to get his contact either. But now i am kind of regretting it cause he seemed like such a genuine european man. Who has a girlfriend back home and a cat. To which he said that in holland, that means your life is basically over. Like only old people keep cats. Haha and he said his name, Herman, is also an awfully old name in holland and i now i am totally regretting letting him leave the club without at least asking for email. Argh! But never mind, off to Holland to look for Herman i go!