Rag Doll

Nov 25, 2014 12:40

Title: Rag Doll
Pairing: 2min
Summary: It takes time for change to happen. But when the truth was kept from him his entire life accompanied witht the lies that poisoned his head, everything was destroyed along the way.

And only when his ragdoll was dying he learnt of the truth.





"I see you're resisting to not scream. Are you defying me now?"




"That's right. Scream, scream it all out. Scream all the pain you're going through, tell me, no. Beg me to stop whipping you."





"I can't hear you!"

One extra rough, hard and fast hit had the male bounded to the ground blacked out. And even then the male whipping him didn't stop.

"I'll make you scream. I'll make you bleed. I'll make you beg and I'll make you regret leaving me."


Taemin had his head facing downwards when Junmyeon hugged him.

"Tae are you sure about this? W-We could just cancel it."
"I-It's fine, Junmyeon."
"No. I don't want you to regret this, Tae. It's your entire life ahead of you, you have a future."
"I don't have a future, Junmyeon. This is my only way of life. It's what I was fated to do."

Junmyeon looked at him.

"There's no turning back after this Taemin." The male whispered.
"I know." He looked up and met with Junmyeon's worried eyes,"And I wouldn't regret it."

Yifan came into the room and led Taemin to a car, the car was fully tinted, windscreens all bulletproof and the interior all made of the finest leather.

Junmyeon hugged Taemin one last time and the younger entered the vehicle awaiting him. Once out of sight, Junmyeon hugged Yifan.

"D-Do you think he'll be alright?"
"You want the truth or the lie?"
"Krisssss." The pretty male whined making his husband laugh.
"Joking princess. I think the start would be rough."
"Minho probably would remember Taemin."
"Why would you say so?"
"Because the last time I went to his house, there was a small picture of them back then when they were young in his office." Junmyeon wide eyed.

"I hope Taemin makes it through."
"Let's just hope for the best."


Taemin was led out of the vehicle and into the large mansion, he was feel the weight of the whole on him and didn't bother to even enjoy the surroundings. He didn't even look up when they led him along the long hallways, barely registering anything like any other toy would had. He didn't look up to plan his escape and he definitely didn't look up to see his childhood friend's butler trying to grab his attention.

Once in the room given to him, he contemplated on sitting on the ground or on the bed. But after several affairs of being at the whorehouse and conversations with Luhan and Junmyeon, it would had been wiser to sit on the ground like the slave he - now- was.

Several hours passed but he only sat at the spot on the ground, moving barely inches even after seated for such a long time. He sat there and spaced out, sitting at the spot right next to the table on the left side of the door. Taemin watched as the skies turned dark, coating the whole place with dark colors and making the whole room almost pinch black aside from the light of the full moon.

The door to the room suddenly opened and the male looked around into the room. Taemin made no effort to move from his spot in his bed as the male cursed and starting shouting.

"Where the fuck is he?"
"H-He never left the room, Master."
"Then why the fuck isn't he in there?"

The maids entered the room immediately and switched on the lights, they searched for any escape evidence and when they found nothing they finally turned to see the pretty boy sitted on the ground, eyes staring into space.

The maid felt pity for him, such a pretty and innocent face, a face whom had a future.

What did he deserve to be treated as such?

The head maid exited the room to inform the master they found him sitted at the corner of the room, he never moved from the spot since he was brought there and the master of the house instructed her to bring the male to him. She did as she was told and Taemin was presented to the him.

The brunette only stared at the ground as he heard movements.

"Look at me." The voice startled Taemin and he timidly looked up, eyes meeting the big round eyes of his first love.

"What's your name?"
"Whatever you wish to call me, master."

A smirk formed on the taller male's lips and he stared hungrily at Taemin.

"Good answer, slave."

He returned to his chair and ushered Taemin towards him.

"Come slave, strip and show me what you have to offer to me."

Taemin made no answer as he slowly stripped himself, eyes glued to the ground.

"Look at me when you strip." The master growled, immediately making Taemin look up to those cold emotionless eyes.

The shirt was gone, the pants was pulled away and finally the undergarment was slowly pushed downwards. Taemin stood butt naked in front of his master, eyes never leaving the male's face. He watched as the male licked his lips and smirked.

"Now let's play."

Taemin was pushed onto the table and his butt was immediately pulled slightly apart. Lips made its way to his nipples, biting and sucking the buds, Taemin struggled to not push the elder away but his restrains were obvious to the other male.

"Resist me. Push me away and tell me to stop. Make me feel inferior, slut."

Taemin softly pushed him, eyes scrunched up when the male bit his nipple extra hard. The action made its way straight to his cock and he repeated it. The tall male's hand wrapped itself around Taemin's cock and started pumping it, the other hand holding his legs apart.

When he wasn't given the reactions he wanted, a harsh slap was given to the pretty male.

"Pleasure me, slut. Do what you do best."

Those words hit straight to Taemin's words and it cracked something in him. He started trying to push the elder away, words of help came to his mind and he started fighting his master from touching him. The dominant male on the other hand saw this fit and immediately got turned on, he absolutely loved it when he makes his sex toys feel helpless making him feel inferior and powerful. He poked his finger into the pretty boy's hole, earning himself a strained scream, two fingers went in then three. He started finger thrusting into the boy but soon took it out when the male stopped screaming.

The sounds of a zipper unzip made its ways to Taemin's ears and despite being blinded from his sight due to him crying and he knew his virginity was going to be taken away from him that night.

It was true.

The male thrusted his big fat cock into the pretty male, thrusting it dry and rough, ripping the inner tissues of the male below him. Taemin screamed and tried to push him but his actions only turned the master on even more.

More screams were heard as the dominant one thrusted into him mercilessly. He screamed as he felt pain in his lower regions, the pain could not be explainable. It was just so painful, his insides were ripped, tissues torn and blood definitely flowing out of him.

Taemin cried as the male thrusted into him, whispering dirty things into his ear, whispering words of him being a slut, a whore and a filth to societly. He cried when the male finally came in him, releasing his load to his inner walls, he was slapped on the cheek lightly and the smirk on the elder's face traumatized his brain.

"Get yourself together, slut. We're not done with this."

And the male left the room.

Taemin lied flat on his back on top of the table, his face stained with tears, his body violated and blood seeping out of his hole. He was left as such and no one came to his aid.

Taemin slowly got up, cum and blood flowing down his legs. He picked up his clothes and left the room, limping. He started to feel numb, recalling that this must be the feeling that Junmyeon told him about. The feeling of emptiness and the feeling of utter humilation. Cum and blood left a trail from the room but only a thick blood trial was left as he entered his room.

Upon closing it shut - or what seemed like he did with what little energy he had- he passed out onto the ground. Blood never stopped flowing out of him and draining the life from his traumatized body.

When the maid whom was told to go clean Taemin up opened her master's study, she wide eyed and panicked upon seeing him missing. She frantically ran out of the room to find him, getting other maids to help her and that's when a young maid, the same maid whom pitied Taemin saw the trail on their tiles. She followed it, behind her the other maids and they found him in his room. Blood pooling around him, unconsciousness in his mind and body being flat on the ground.

The maid cleaned up the pitiful male, others cleaning the blood stains on the ground which have seeped into the carpets. Cleaning took hours for both the office and the trails of blood and even after Taemin was tucked into bed, a dress shirt put onto him, the cleaning was yet completed.

Minho walked down the long coridors after a bussiness meeting with a drug lord and saw the maids all scrubbing the floor. He looked at them and narrowed his eyes.

"What are you doing? Who instructed you to scrub the floors?"

The head maid stood up and bowed to him, she told him about what happened and how Taemin was missing from the office, how they found the male in his room, face flat to the ground and the blood trail that he left behind. Minho said nothing but wave them to continue cleaning the tiles, he continued walking keeping his cool and emitting the radiance of power. His eyes though observed the trails of blood on the ground, anger seeped through his veins at how that slut could had had the guts to stain his almost spotless house.

Minho slammed the door to Taemin's room open and saw the carpet still having slight stains of blood. The pretty male was tucked into bed, he was sleeping but his face was scrunched up, forehead sweating clearly showing that he was having a nightmare.

But Minho walked to him and pulled him up, startling the unconscious male as he was thrown to the ground. He was pulled by the hair out to where the maids were and was tossed towards them.

"Clean it up."
"B-But master-" the maids tried.
"I want all of you out of my sight. This slut made this trail therefore he'll be the one cleaning it."
"LEAVE." Minho shouted, eyes narrowing with anger.

Taemin flinched as Minho kicked him to start moving, he slowly grabbed the brush and started scrubbing.

"I expect the blood trails all gone by sunrise."

Taemin looked at the sky out the window, it was still pitch black and he nodded.

"Y-Yes master."

When Minho left, Taemin started crying. He cried as he scrubbed the floor, he cried regretting his decision to come here. He regretted agreeing to this, why did he have to suffer just cause of Junmyeon and Yifan, what did he mean to them? What did they mean to him? Why did he even fall for this cheap trick? Taemin cried as he scrubbed the floor, sadness, isolation, depression, anger all moved in his veins. He scrubbed, and scrubbed and scrubbed and when sunrise came, he was only left with one small spot that refuses to come off, one spot that he knew wasn't his doing. He tried to remove it even but all efforts were thrown down the drain when Minho saw the clear spot still imprinted to his tile.

"You worthless piece of shit." Minho grabbed Taemin by his hair and pulled him back, slamming him hard against the surface of the wall. He slapped Taemin on the cheek and pointed towards the floor.

"I told you I want a spotless floor, what the fuck is that?"
"I-It's not mine, m-"

A slap was given to Taemin's cheeks.

"I said I want a spotless floor and I give give a fuck if it's yours or not."

The pretty male was then dragged back to his room and thrown on to the bed. Minho ripped Taemin's shirt, not bothered by the fact that the pretty male was now bleeding with friction burns, the male threw his dress shirt away then immediately attacked his nipples.

"You want to disobey me just cause I violated you isn't that right? Well let me show you what happens to stupid sluts who disobey my orders."

The male bite Taemin's nipples extra hard, blood coming out of the bite, he was shoved three fingers in him which was so called preparing him. Fingers which stayed only for less than a few seconds before a longer, bigger and harder rod went in, fucking the pretty male dry, ripping his interiors all over again. Words of lowering Taemin's pride was heard as Minho thrusted into him, Taemin cried and screamed for him to stop, eyes bluring from all the pain, he was in so much pain as the older violated, abused and tortured him. When Minho finally got satisfied with punishing Taemin - which took several hours and Taemin passing out twice- Taemin stared at the ceiling above him. Blood and cum was both on him and around him, bedsheet just to cover his very abused and bleeding lower regions and his state of mind traumatized.

The second time it happened, Taemin began to stop fighting. The third the less he screamed, the fourth he barely screamed, the fifth he didn't scream at all, the sixth the less he felt, the seventh he couldn't feel anything at all. Minho stared at the male below him as the pretty male just stared back at him, tears rolling down his eyes waiting for the tall male to be done violating him.

"Why aren't you screaming?"
"Do you rather me screaming, master?"

Minho caught the emotionless tone.

"Are you defying me?" He snapped.

"No mas-"

And then the whips came into the picture.

Whips burned Taemin's once soft and milky skin, slapping and tearing the skin making it all red. The process continued and soon Taemin blacked out from the loss of blood.

The pretty male was left there to die as Minho slammed the door to the room shut.

"You're better off dead." Minho muttered to the motionless male.


Darkness was all that Taemin could see when he opened his eyes. He heard a beeping sound but ignored it, he just stared at the ceiling asking every God there is in the world why he is still alive. He didn't get this, this wasn't what Junmyeon promised him and this definately wasn't what any of them said. He stared feeling anger towards the smaller male and just as he was about to swear at him he hears shoutings.

"I gave him to you because I know you and him used to have something. Not for you to fucking murder him."
"Well you should had known that before sending him to me. He left me and my revenge is all that I can see."
"Left you? You are the one who left him!"
"What the fuck as you talking about you bitch?"
"Your mother sent him and his family away, threating a five year old to kill his family and you're blaming him?"
"You know what? Get out of my house."
"I'm not leaving till Taemin comes with me."
"Wu Junmyeon, just because you're the Scorpion Queen doesn't fucking mean I'm going to bow down to you. Now, get the fuck out."
"We're not done with this."

Taemin blacked out again after that.


It was morning when Taemin woke up again. Someone was cleaning him up as he opened his eyes, he blinked once, twice and then his whole body tensed up.


The male looked towards him and smiled a sad smile.

"It's been a while, Taemin. Why are you here?"
"Hey." Kibum said, hands continuing his work to softly clean the male's body. Minho had banned every woman in the house from touching him and told Kibum that he was the only one who could touch and clean him,"Why are you here, Taemin-ah?"
"I was sent here by Scorpion. Their queen said that maybe I would have a better life here, it was for their benefit but he assured me that," Taemin paused and smiled a bitter smile,"That I may have a better life."

Silence engulfed them.

"He's changed." Taemin made no reply,"He still doesn't know the truth, his mother forbide us from telling him. She poisoned him with words that you left him and-"
"Hyung stop." Taemin said,"There's no need for this. I, I don't need to know it and he doesn't need to either. We'll, I'll be fine." Taemin looked down,"I'll be fine."

Kibum nodded at that and clamped him mouth shut. The silence merely stayed for several minutes before Taemin broke it again.

"Why are you here?"
"He threatened to hurt Jonghyun. Jonghyun runs his own section now, but I'm still to serve here. He doesn't want any of us together cause-"

Kibum stopped talking and Taemin said nothing about it.

"We're so awkward to each other." Kibum forced a laugh.
"That's cause you know Minho might one day accidentally kill me but you can't do anything cause Jonghyun is in danger too."


Taemin didn't see nor was called by Minho for the few days, he still has pains in his lower regions but nothing was too painful. He spent most of his time in his room, doing absolutely nothing unless Kibum brings things for him to do like fold the laundry or iron the sheets, he wasn't allowed out of the room and was often even ironing the maids' outfits. He never complained, he never protested, he never whined but he all but just took it all in. He knew he was downgraded to bellow the standard of a house maid and he knew he was even lower than a slut but it didn't matter at all to him.

Because he was fated to. Since his birth, he was fated to have bad luck through out his life. He was a mistake by his parents, he was suppose to be born a girl but a guy he was, he born on a day that was dark and gloomy, he brought bad luck to the family and he was always put to blame on everything. Taemin knew even in the Choi household, everyone hated him because when Minho's mother sent them away, Minho exploded and became a rebelious monster. They blamed him, hated him, cursed him and he took it all in. He never said a word at all even when the maids snickered at him.

Taemin would be called to Minho to pleasure the male, he was an output for all of Minho's anger and stress and most times, Taemin left with new scars, with blood seeping down his back and his abused hole, he would clog them with the little clothes he had and he would clean them all by himself if there was a stain. Taemin said nothing when Minho barged into his room, slapping him, beating him up, abusing him and torturing him.

It wasn't very long before Taemin lost all emotions and just became the sex ragdoll that he was. The tips that Junmyeon and Luhan thought him was pushed to the back of his mind and he just became nothing.

Junmyeon exploded when he saw Taemin is such a state. He shouted at Minho at that and again he was sent out of the house. That night, Taemin was not given the chance to say anything as Minho rammed into him, hitting, beating, kicking, pinching, slapping him. They had rounds of continous sex till Minho's monster sex drive was satisfied and when that happened, or when Minho finally got tired of ramming into the -once- pretty male, he noticed Taemin was fully unconscious and he wasn't breathing at all. Blood was all over the bed and his cock but he didn't care. He left the room, passed Kibum and entered into his own room.

Kibum immediately rushed Taemin to the infimitary and Onew, their doctor had to struggle to revive Taemin. The surgery went haywire but they managed to get Taemin to breath.

"Leave him to die, Onew. I don't want to see his face anymore."

And Kibum snapped.

"Choi Minho."
"Who gave you the right to call me that?" Minho's anger flared at that as well.
"I did. Save him, Onew."
"Don't you dare."
"DO IT."
"Do. It. Jinki."

And Jinki proceeded with the surgery. He made his decision and he knows Taemin needs to be saved or Minho will never change.

A slap was given to Kibum but the pretty male stopped his so called master's hand.

"I don't care if you're the master of this house. I don't care nor give a fuck who you think you are and what you're capable of doing. I've never stepped into your affairs, not your decisions, not even when you threatened to kill Jonghyun for something which you fucking did. I said nothing but this is too much. Taemin was innocent when he was forced to leave and Taemin is still innocent because he's returned to you because Junmyeon knows. That day when he left-"
"I don't want to hear it." Minho began to shrug Kibum off.
"That day when he left, do you know what happened? Did you mother tell you? What did she say? That he fucking left you? Is that what she said?"
"KIBUM." Minho growled.
"Did she poison you that Taemin fucking left you cause he was payed to? Cause his parents were threatened to be killed? Did she fucking tell you that?"
"I'm fucking warning you-"

And silence broke down as Minho wide eyed.

"She fucking killed his sister, Minho. She made it clear she wanted him out of your life. She threatened to kill his parents if he and his family doesn't leave. They didn't get payed, they weren't provided a house and they were left to fend themselves. His father ran away and got into an accident, his mother disappeared and died soon after, his brother died and now there's only him left. He returned cause Junmyeon told him what happened and he said maybe, maybe things would finally work out but you had to destroy him futher."

Kibum turned to Jinki's direction.

"That boy there that Jinki is trying to save, the boy you wanted to kill so badly, he's not even trying to fight to survive at all. He's welcoming death to him and you know it."

Kibum left the room as Minho watched Jinki try to revive Taemin.

Kibum was right, his heart rate was dropping drastically and his breathing was reducing, Jinki had blood transfused into his body as he stopped the bleeding else where, making sure there wasn't any internal bleeding. But when his condition wasn't getting better not his blood pressure and impulse increasing, they gave him the miracle jab. They gave him the jab straight to the heart and all movements stop.

"Fight, Taemin. Fight, don't you dare give up. Come on, Tae, fight." Jinki whispered.

5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, then finally the heart impulse began increasing.

A cheer was heard among them and Jinki turned to his master, face torn between being happy and angry. Their eyes met and Jinki gave him a dirty look.


Taemin slowly opened his eyes.

Everywhere was white and it smelt like Lavenders.

Was he finally dead?



"Taemin you're not dead."

Taemin began to blink harder and his eyes met with Jinki's.

"You've been knocked out for 2 months now, Taemin."

So I'm alive.

"You wouldn't know what happened within these few months, Tae." Jinki said as he helped Taemin up,"Master heard the truth from Kibum, he confronted his mother about it and there was a huge fight about it. He slapped his mother for lying to him his whole life and she wide eyed at him. They fought and Minho hissed at her saying he'll disown her if she dares touch you ever again. Yes disown his mother. All these property is all his anyways, his mother or rather stepmmother had nothing from the will. His father knew about it but because he was often busy and because he and Minho never had a chance to talk, he was never told the truth. He's changed little by little, less violent towards us, he's more decent now and he's been talking with Jonghyun and Junmyeon. Kibum is freed to Jonghyun and everything has been well."

Taemin slowly nodded as Jinki competed his check up.

"Though Minho has changed so much, I think you deserve to know that," Jinki paused,"He hasn't returned to this house since that day."

And Taemin's heart fell. Taemin said nothing as Jinki took his equidments. He was just about to leave the room when he heard Taemin's whisper.

"Hyung why did you save me?"

Jinki understood the question those words. It was not just a simple why did you save me but rather a I could had died, I wanted to die, You could had spared me and left me to die, You could had just turned away a second more and worst of all, I could had went to a better place why bring me back here?

"Because he needs you."


Minho got the news that Taemin woke up but he didn't make a move to go approach the male. He prolounged it for a few days which turned into weeks and before he knew it, months has passed.

Kibum exploded to Minho again when he heard about it and so did Junmyeon. They duo dragged Minho to his house where Taemin was inhibiting and they burst in. Jinki greeted them and took them to Taemin's room. And after all the bickering and shouting, they reached the room...

... Only to find it empty.

Junmyoen panicked.

Kibum panicked.

And Minho ran out of the room.

Jinki blinked, trying to process what had happened and when it finally digested into him, he walked to Taemin's huge down to floor windows and looked down. True enough, the pretty male was seated in his swing, swinging himself as he tried to enjoy the light breeze touching his skin. He was healthy with the vitamins and food that was given and forced down his throat but his face showed something else.

Minho was screaming for people to find Taemin but the maids just stared at him weirdly. Most of them just looked out the window and saw that the said male was there hence them not saying anything at all and merely ignoring their master. Somehow, within the few months, the maids have came to take care of Taemin like he was a piece of glass, making sure that he was tugged in bed warmly like a child and they made sure that he was always occupied so that he doesn't get to think at all. Taemin was treated like their own personal princess and everyone in the house loved him.

Minho was just about to call police when he saw a male sitting on a swing outside. He approached him and wide eyed when he realize that it was probably Taemin. He approached the male, heavy footsteps were flooded with nervousness, he thought of what to say and he soon starting talking obnoxiously, making incoherent sentences but when he finally reached Taemin, the male had still not turned at all.

Minho blinked at him.

Did Taemin hate him that much?


No respond.


Again no respond, the male merely continued lightly moving himself back and forth.

"Tae?" Minho called, a little louder this time and the swinging immediately stopped.

Taemin froze.


The pretty male turned aburptly and saw Minho standing right behind him. He stood up and his head spinned due to the quick movement. Minho wanted to hold him stable but the pretty male took a step back.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you."

Taemin and Minho stood there awkwardly.

"I'm sorry." Taemin began,"I couldn't please you when I was unconscious and I-"
"I'm sorry."
"Tae, stop apolygizing."

Taemin looked up at the nickname. He didn't realize his head had already fallen but that didn't matter at the moment.

"I said stop apolygizing. If anything I should be the one saying I'm sorry. I didn't know the truth, no one told me. I was told you left me for money, I hated you, I hurt you, I violated you, I almost killed you and now, I-I made you depressed. So I'm sorry."

Tears made its way in Taemin's eyes.

"May I?" Minho said, taking the step closer. Taemin nodded and Minho closed the gap between them and hugged the smaller male.

And Taemin's tear ducts exploded.

"I, I tried to tell you and I tried to contact you- you mother- refused- burnt my letters- she killed my sister- and it hurt to much- my parents hated me- they died then my brother- car crash- ran away- then Junmyeon- I tried, I really did but-"

Taemin didn't get to finish his words - not that it made any sense in the first place- as Minho pressed his lips on the pretty male.

"Ssh, it's okay. It's okay now. We're together, Mother can't separate us anymore and I'm sorry too. It's okay, Tae. It's okay."

And Taemin never felt so content in his life before.


Things changed after Taemin and Minho got together.

The duo made up, got married and they were happy. It took sometime for Taemin to get back to the right state of mind but with the help of everyone he was alright, somewhat. Minho on the other hand was more linient to others and when handling businesses, he was still harsh and his words still spiked others to the core but he was much more caring at home.

If caring could be considered that is.


Minho looked up from his paperwork and wide eyed.

"Oh shit."

Taemin frowned.

"Are you coming or not?"
"Yes but baby, I'm busy right now."

Taemin's frown turned into a pout. He turned around making sure the dress he was wearing flared out exposing his milky thighs - and hopefully his panty- as he made his way to exit the room.

Minho growled at that, stormed to the door and slammed the door that was about to be opened.

"I see your slutiness just never change."
"Me? Slut? I did nothing you horny husband."

Minho's hand made its way up Taemin's thighs, hand coming in contact with the laces undergarment.

"You've been hanging out too much with Luhan."

Taemin turned around, hand snaking around Minho's neck.

"Really now? Says who?

The taller male smirks at that.

"Says my hard dick."



So erm, well yeah.

Sucky side story be super sucky.

But as always Penguin might add an extra chapter to erm have 2min in their erm, intimate sexy time? Like fail kinky intimate sexy time like i have said and hinted in Scorpion's Doll.....

And erm please leave me pretty comments~ i get lonely when i dont have people to reply to... ;n;



rating ; pg 15, # 2min, % angst, @ exo crossover

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