Title: Of Lights, Zelo and Banghim
Pairings: Banghim
Summary: Yongguk just didn't understand what Himchan wanted until a certain Light Fair came into the picture
Notes: banghim.... And Himchan's princess grumpy pouting is just damn cute... :3
No I don't want to.... )
then the pictures... well the lights are just made with it... they're all originally made into shapes then they just plug in electric source and tadaaaaa it appears~ ^^ and really my pictures are pretty??? It was so blur and my sense of photography is just epic fail... OTL i shall improve!
I JUST HAD TO INCLUDE BTOB BECAUSE THE BOYS ARE JUST TOO CUTE! >< Yongguk is a pabo... he always is towards Himchan~ 8D and wellll... he did swear on national television so i just kinda got too excited with the argument~ XPP
and my grammar? oh gosh it's still that horrible after i edited it twice???? OH MAI ENGLISHHHH!!! /buries self 30 meters deep in the ground... and yes I noticed the Collage some where there too... shall look for it and change it... and i have a strong feeling Yang Yoseob's Collage album was at fault for that.... hmmmmmmmm :/
Ps: any idea where I can get a beta? i seriously think I should need one for my fics...
is that NIcholas Cage as your dp????? o__________o
I have no idea about how to find a beta sorry! You could ask around people you know or look and see if there is beta posts somewhere in the general fic community
your photos are fine! I thought the lights were wrapped around some actual stuff too but yeah the small things would have to be formed by artificial stuffs
yes that is nicholas cage and his hair is a bird :D
and ouuuu it's okay then shall look around for Beta-s then~ ^^
I don't really know how it really looks like during the day but it's just a normal object with light bulbs sticking out of it when it doesn't have electricity flowing through~
wow... i didn't even notice the bird on his head if you didn't mention it.... O_O
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