(no subject)

Nov 29, 2004 10:46

The Ultimate Politics Survey

Describe your stance on:

Abortion: up to the 2nd trimester.

Affirmative Action: needs to be re-worked, but for

Age of Consent:

Animal Testing: against. there are enough humans to test on...

Death Penalty: murder is wrong, the death penalty is state murder

Downloading Music/Movies: all for it. stop keeping shit from the people

Drug Decriminalization: decriminalize everything. then tax the hell out of it

Factory Farming: keep it within the family. lots of smallish farms.

Free Trade: we should just get rid of all the borders between nations.

Funding of Arts: all for it baby.

Gay Marriage: everyone should be able to marry whoever they want so long as its consensual

Gun Control: against because if you take guns away from the people, the wrong people will have guns. if everyone is packing crime goes down.

Immigration: this world should have no boarders.

Hardcore Pornography: yup... mmmm bdsm......

Human Cloning: nope. clone organs, use stem cells for research. but dont clone the whole damn thing

Miltary Draft: fuck the draft. its anti-american anyways

Minimum Wage: all for it. but it should be high enough to support a small family.

Prostitution: legalize it, test the hookers, stop the STDs

School Vouchers:

Taxes: raise taxes, and give better benifits. ie. free health care

United Nations: needs a spine.

Universal Health Care: everyone deserves health care

War on Terrorism: how do you wage war against an idea?

Welfare: glass bottom all the way.

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