Hey everyone!
I'm sure you guys all know this, but in case your forgot:
I have two twitter accounts that you can follow if you are bored.
@RedHesitation has updates for my writing as well as well as some fun Visual Kei pictures to keep you all satisfied! My other account is a Ruki RP account. Right now I RP with a Reita who is actually a close friend of mine. We pretty much just derp always, but if you are ever bored and need some Reituki to fill the lonely hours of your day check out
@MyBlackMorals and
@ReitaSwag ... because we think we are cool XD
and ps.
thanks to everyone for understanding about my crisis! by Dec 7th I'll be free again! <3
pps. I forgot to mention my dA account, where I post all my cosplay pictures! Check me out on dA
here! My Reita can be found
Here! and My Uruha can be found
Love you guys!