JE meme

Jul 22, 2008 00:49

I got this from Panda Miya!!!

01. Which Johnny band is your favourite?
02. Why?
Well, they're adorable, but mostly because Yama-chan and Yuto and the original Hey!Say!7 are in it... oh, and Keito, 'cause he's awesome! :D
03. Who is your favorite Johnny?
Yamada Ryosuke
04. Why?
His dancing!!!  Also, he played my favorite character in Tantei Gakuen Q... but mostly his dancing!  It just... flows.
05. When was your very first contact with a Johnny?
I'm not sure exactly when... maybe around November 2007?  But if you're talking about actually meeting one, never, I'm just saying it was my introduction to the Johnny's phenonenon.
06. Who was it?
Yamada Ryosuke!!!
07. How did you know him?
Tantei Gakuen Q, which I now own on DVD. *smiles proudly*
08. When actually did you really start listening/liking the JE?
Around the same time.  I saw Yama-chan was in a J-pop group and checked it out -- bam!  Instant JE fan!
09. What incident brought you into JE?
My unhealthy but wonderful Tantei Gakuen Q obsession.  (RyuuxKyuu rocks!!!)
10. Do you have a favorite JE song?
Hmm... Maybe Kinki Kids' "Aisareru Yori Aishitai"?
11. Do you listen to them the most?
No, I mainly listen to KAT-TUN... and NEWS... and TegoMassu (my second fave!)... and everything else...!
12. If not, who is your favorite band/artist?
Hey!Say!JUMP and TegoMassu
13. Which band/singer did you listen/like the most before JE?
FLOW and The Brilliant Green
14. Who is your favorite in KAT-TUN? 
Ueda...!  <3
15. Why?
His dancing is awkward, and he's sometimes quiet, even though he's an awesome boxer!
16. Do you have a favorite song of KAT-TUN?
Probably "Keep the Faith", though Signal is pretty catchy.  Oh, if "Kizuna counts... KIZUNA!!!
17. Do you have a favorite live of KAT-TUN? (solos counts, too)
KIZUNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My favorite song EVER!!!
18. Do you have a favorite show appearance of KAT-TUN?
Kamenashi and Akanishi in Gokusen II, if it counts.
19. Who do you think can sing the best of KAT-TUN?
I'm not sure...  Though Koki has often surprised me with his powerful voice, I can't really tell...
20. Who do you think can dance the most of KAT-TUN?
Not sure - but it's not Ueda!
21. Who is the girliest of KAT-TUN?
Ueda <3
22. Who is the manliest of KAT-TUN?
Koki... it's the whole no-long-hair thing...

23. Who is the cutest member of KAT-TUN?
Junno!  He's adorable!
24. Who is the funniest member of KAT-TUN?
Junno, hands down!  I actually like his puns, when I understand them... *blushes*
25. Who is the most prettiest in KAT-TUN?
Definitely Ueda.  No contest.
26. Who has the best appearance in KAT-TUN?
Well, I might be biased, but... Ueda.
27. Who is your favorite in NEWS?
Tegoshi!  I loved him before I really knew NEWS, on their first interview on Domoto Kyoudai.  He was all short and adorable, with practically a bowl cut for a hair style... but he said the wackiest things!  He made me love him!  Then I looked for his current work and found his awesome sexiness.  Mucho happiness on my part!
28. Why?
The above... and his singing is incredible.  <3 <3 <3
29. Do you have a favorite song of NEWS?
"weeeek" when I'm in a cheery or depressed mood, and "Taiyou no Namida" when I'm in a soulful mood.
30. Do you have a favorite live of NEWS? (solos counts, too)
Not really... I like their music videos more.
31. Do you have a favorite show appearance of NEWS?
Their first Domoto Kyoudai appearance.  Priceless!
32. Who do you think can sing the best of NEWS?
Tegoshi, absolutely.
33. Who do you think can dance the most of NEWS?
Um, I don't know... Massu?  'Cause I love him?  Yeah, no clue.
34. Who is the girliest of NEWS?
Tegoshi is just a *coughhugecough* bit girly, I must say.
35. Who is the manliest of NEWS?
???  Hmm...  Ryo, with his, well, Ryo-ness?  Or maybe Massu.  But I just like Massu, so that doesn't count.
36. Who is the cutest member of NEWS?
37. Who is the funniest member of NEWS?
Koyama, of course!
38. Who is the most prettiest in NEWS?
Tegoshi! <3
39. Who has the best appearance in NEWS?
Either Yamapi or Tegoshi... but probably Yamapi.
40. Do you have a favorite PV of NEWS?
"Summertime" and "Taiyou no Namida" are both really close, but I think I like the "weeeek" PV better... or maybe even "Teppen".
41. Who is your favorite in KanJani8?
Ryo, or Yokoyama 'cause I don't know them.
42. Why?
The only guys in the band that I know.
43. Do you have a favorite song of KanJani8?

44. Do you have a favorite live of KanJani8? (solos counts, too)?
45. Do you have a favorite show appearance of KanJani8?
Hmm, didn't they do some questionaire thing-y with KAT-TUN?  That one.
46. Who do you think can sing the best of KanJani8?
No clue.
47. Who do you think can dance the most of KanJani8?
Again... no clue.
48. Who is the girliest of KanJani8?
49. Who is the manliest of KanJani8?
Um, Ryo, maybe?  If I knew the other members, it would help.
50. Who is the cutest member of KanJani8?
Um, I'll just say Yokoyama for the hell of it.
51. Who is the funniest member of KanJani8?
Haven't got the slightest clue - once again.
52. Who is the most prettiest in KanJani8?
Sigh... I'll just go with N/A.
53. Who has the best appearance in KanJani8?
54. Do you have a favorite PV of KanJani8?
55. Who is your favorite in Arashi?
Aiba! <3
56. Why?
He is divine.  And I saw him in Ppoi.
57. Do you have a favorite song of Arashi?
"Sakura Sake"
58. Do you have a favorite live of Arashi? (solos counts, too)
No, I don't watch enough.  (Stupid computer... ~ >:( ~)
59. Do you have a favorite show appearance of Arashi?
Um, drama wise, Gokusen or Ppoi.
61. Who do you think can dance the most of Arashi?
Ohno rocks.
62. Who is the girliest of Arashi?
63. Who is the manliest of Arashi?
64. Who is the cutest member of Arashi?
Well, Kazunari is pretty adorable sometimes... BUT I CHOOSE AIBA!!!!!!!!!
65. Who is the funniest member of Arashi?
66. Who is the most prettiest in Arashi?
Well, I think... Sho.
67. Who has the best appearance in Arashi?
AIBA!!!  'Cause I TOTALLY play favorites.
68. Do you have a favorite PV of Arashi?
"We Can Make It" was so awesome!  I sing along all the time~!
69. Who is your favorite younger unit? (ABC, Ya-ya-yah, Kiss my ft, Question…)
The original Hey!Say!7 captured my heart first!
70. Who is your favorite older unit? (V6, T&T, Smap, V6, Kinki Kids…)
Kink Kids, because of their song "Aisareru Yori Aishitai" and their drama together, "Bokura no Yuuki: Miman Toshi".
71. Do you have a favorite member of any younger or older unit?
Yamada Ryosuke
72. Do you have a favorite song of any younger or older unit?
"Aisareru Yori Aishitai"
73. Do you have a favorite show with any younger or older unit?
Domoto Kyoudai, no doubt.
74. Do you have a favorite live of any younger or older unit?
Hmm... I dunno.  Probably one of Hey!Say!7's.
75. Do you have a favorite actor in JE?
Yamada Ryosuke... his acting still needs a little work, but he is improving greatly!
76. Do you have a favorite drama starring with one of JE?
"Tantei Gakuen Q" and "Bokura no Yuuki: Miman Toshi".
77. What was your very first drama staring with one of JE?
Tantei Gakuen Q!!!!!  My first drama love...!  <3
78. Which drama of JE do you watch recently?
Gokusen III.
79. Which drama of JE do you want to watch?
Maou, the new special Yama-chan's in, other stuff...
80. Who do you wish would should start acting, who hasn’t yet?
Ueda!!!  If he can act, he should, I would love to see him expanding his horizons... but in a less lame, cliche way than I wrote.
81. Who do you wish should stop acting, because he sucks at acting?
No comment!
82. Do you think that you are JE addicted?
Totally Yama-chan obsessed!!!
83. Why do you think so?
He is adorable, far too gorgeous for someone his age, and his dancing is so beautiful.  As a dancer, I just marvel at his natural grace.
84. What will you do seeing your favorite Johnny standing in front of your door?
I'd think I was dreaming, before freaking because I barely speak any Japanese!
85. What advantages does starting liking JE give you?
Motivation to learn Japanese!  And lots of material to help you do so. :)
86. What disadvantages does it give you?
Money issues arise frequently...
87. How many times a day do you think about JE?
Too many.
88. How many times do you have the face of your favorite Johnny around you?
I flip through my favorite Myojo copy and look at Yamajima pictures whenever I need a boost!  So... pretty often.
89. If your favorite Johnny or your favorite JE has to grant you a wish, what would it be?
I would want a chance to dance with Yama-chan!!!
90. If you have a wish about JE, what would it be?
Hey!Say!JUMP coming to my hometown!!!
91. If you are reborn, you wish to be who?
Yamada Ryosuke's future girlfriend... who hopefully wouldn't be much younger than him, so I'd have to be born in the past,  Would that be okay?  But I'd also settle for being Takaki's future daughter.
92. If you are a Johhny’s right now, who do you wish you are?
Chinen.  He's SOOOOO CUUUUUUTE!!!!  This would be an advantage that I would fully enjoy!  *dreams of sitting on Yama-chan's lap*
93. If you can ask your favorite Johnny or your favorite JE band a question, what would it be?
I would ask Yama-chan to teach me a dance move!
94. Did you ever have a dream with a Johhny?
Maybe a little about Yama-chan... and I think some other's were singing in the background, I'm not sure.  It was a very vauge dream.
95. If yes, when was it and what was it?
See above.  Something to do with music... maybe karaoke?
96. Do you have any realizable goal in your life that has to do with JE?
Besides going to Japan?  Because, if I go, I am SO going to a JE concert, no matter what means I must use to get in there!
97. Do you like JE BL fanfic?
I read and write it.  It is like my water... only I can go without it for long periods of time if I must.  But I don't like to.
98. If yes, who are the best couple of JE?
Yamajima all the way!!!
99. If you are Johnny-san what would you change about JE?
Stop tearing people apart!!!  And, you know, there are these creepy pedophilia accounts of him...  I would make sure that never happened again...!  I WOULD PROTECT MY PRECIOUS IDOLS!!!
100. Do you like this survey?
It was fun.
Ah, glad I got that out of my system!

meme, je

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