Five Times Chinen Spazzed Due to Ohno

Jun 04, 2008 23:03

Yes...  AkaiHikaru was surfing the web, and stumbled across 
knowmonsta's Chinen-thon.  Suddenly, a muse decided to throw stuff at her, and out spewed random fanfiction.

Title: Five Time Chinen Spazzed Out Due To Ohno

Pairing(s): Um… a little ChinenxOhno fanboy-ness?  Hints of Yamajima, and maybe even some KeitoChii and Chiimoto?  Some random pairings I throw in because they amuse me?

Rating: G, finally

Summary: Chinen’s Ohno fanboy-ness amuses his bandmates… and sometimes scares them.

Notes: For knowmonsta’s Chinen-Thon!  You know, I just realized that Chinen is the only member of Hey!Say!7 that I still call by his last name…  But-but it’s just so catchy!

Disclaimer:  No, I do not own Johnny’s Entertainment.  If I did, I would change the name, and Yuto never would have worn that hideous, fluffy, pink, sequined shirt in DNA.

1.  Birthday

When the members of BEST joined HS7 in their dressing room, they were not surprised to see Chinen practically bouncing off the walls.  Neither did the squealing and the flailing arms.  In fact, it was all really rather predictable.

“IT’S OHNO-KUN’S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

2.  Freestyle


Daiki jumped almost a foot in the air when he heard the anguished wail.  Turning on his heel, he dashed swiftly in the direction of the practice room, where he was positive the noise had come from.  When he made it there, he was shocked to see Chinen in tears, grasping to the bar that he used to support himself during his stretches.  Yuto and Ryosuke were around him, desperately trying to console the distraught boy.  Quite frankly, Ryosuke was the only one Hey!Say!JUMP trusted to not make Chinen feel worse, and Yuto just couldn’t let his adorable Yama-chan brave such a task alone.

“Ne, Chii, it’s not the end of the world,” Ryosuke told him weakly, rubbing Chinen’s back comfortingly.

Chinen sniffed, looking Ryosuke in the eyes.  He looked absolutely miserable, and Daiki could not help but feel sorry for Ryosuke.  Anyone forced to stare at a teary Chinen really would believe the world was ending.  “D-demo…  Why can’t I go…?” murmured Chinen, his short monologue riddled with heartwracking sobs.

“We have work during the FREESTYLE showing; the manager is booking us right after school each day and on Sunday during the exhibit hours,” Yuto explained kindly, if a bit nervously.  “But there’s an art book, and you can look through that on your break days…  It’s not like you won’t be able to see his work…”

Unfortunately, this only served to make Chinen start to cry again.  “B-b-but… I want to go see Ohno’s exhibit…  Why c-can’t I go on my days off?”

Ryosuke gestured for Yuto to zip it and gave Chinen a quick hug before attempting once again to brighten his mood.  “Our manager doesn’t want us to strain ourselves, so he called our parents to make sure we stay home and rest during our free time,” he said, laying out the intentions behind their caring, if work crazy manager’s reasoning.  “But Yuto’s right, there is always the art book, and it’s not as if you aren’t in the same talent agency as Ohno-kun.  You can always congratulate him on his exhibit, or write him a letter about how you like his art.”  Ryosuke smiled reassuringly at Chinen as the boy lifted his head, starting to appear more hopeful.  “I’m sure he’d really like that!”

“Un,” Chinen affirmed, nodding his head resolutely.  “You’re right.  Arigatou.”  He said the last bit with a dazzling smile aimed at the two beside him.  Daiki just shook his head.  And to think he almost missed this to buy an onigiri.

3.  Good Luck

It was early in the day, and Ryutaro was feeling very pleased with himself.  He was sure that he would be the first one to the studio where they shot Shounen Club, and he fully intended to rub it in - well - one of the others’ face, anyway.  And so he strutted (yes, I did say… er, write… strutted) into their regular changing room - and he dropped his bag.  “Ch-Chinen…?” he stuttered, entirely befuddled.  “What are you doing here so early?”

“Hmm?”  Chinen raised his head, allowing his awed stare into space focus on Ryutaro instead.  “Oh,” he uttered, finally realizing what Ryutaro had addressed him for.  “I got lucky and caught an early train is all.”  He then reverted to his former oblivious state.

Ryutaro looked around, wondering if the group had organized some complicated, extremely confusing prank to play on him.  “Okay, then…  So why the… the… the lack of anything?  You… aren’t moving.”



Chinen looked up, and Ryutaro was blinded by the sheer brightness of his grin.  “Ohno wished me good luck!” shrieked Chinen as he leapt up to squeeze Ryutaro in a python-esque hug.  “He wished me good luck, and then he patted me on the head!  HE EVEN RUFFLED MY HAIR!!”

To Ryutaro’s relief, Chinen soon released him, allowing him to take a few much needed breaths of air.  When he returned his attention to the state of his friend, he found Chinen skipping around the room in circles, occasionally pulling off a twirl for good measure.  ‘Kami-sama,’ thought Ryutaro, ‘this is getting a bit out of control.’

4.  Limited Edition

“Um, Chinen-kun?”


“Why are you snuggling that CD?”

“It’s the limited edition of Arashi’s Dream“A”Live album!”

“Which means…?”


5.  Maou

The members of Hey!Say!7 were out window shopping together, and at that moment, it was feeling rather refreshing.  They had been worked like house elves (if you don’t get that reference, I will have to lecture you on the finer points of Harry Potter) for the past few months, and now that the management was choosing to fuss over BEST for the time being, they were immensely enjoying their new freedom.  That was, until Chinen’s shrill screech pierced the air, drawing every nearby individual’s attention to their cluster.

“Omigosh!  Ohno’s drama is coming out early!  Yatta!!”  Chinen was bouncing up and down, completely oblivious to his surroundings.

Luckily for the rest of them, Yuto was still keeping a look out.  “Um, guys…”  Ryosuke, Ryutaro, and Keito all snapped their heads up to see a crowd of hyperventilating fangirls swarming in their general direction.  Yuto grabbed Ryosuke’s hand and pulled him down the street.  “I suggest we run!” he shouted, increasing his pace to a near sprint, Ryosuke in tow.  Keito and Ryutaro each grabbed one of Chinen’s arms and took him along as they copied Yuto.


“Hey!Say!7, actually,” Keito mumbled as he and the others made their escape.


So… how was it?  I might write some more fics for the Chinen-thon, but probably not.  There are so many other “-thons” that I can’t keep track.  ^~^;;  Besides, I have my other fanfics to work on.  I just wrote this in a moment of inspiration… and love for Chinen’s adorable worship of Ohno.  :D

Well, I'm glad I got that out of my system.  Now, it's time for what is hopefully going to be my weekly review... or whatever.

I finally bought a copy of Myojo at Kinokuniya last week.  I could never find them before, 'cause they put them in way in the back, where I (being lazy, really) never think to look.  Now I own a copy.  It cost me nine bucks, but was totally worth it...  BECAUSE THERE WAS A YAMAJIMA PIC IN THERE!!!!  Well, actually, Keito was in the pic too, but he didn't count...  YUTO HAD HIS ARM AROUND YAMA-CHAN'S SHOULDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now, I must make and icon out of it and rejoice in the knowledge that Yamajima is not dead.  I was starting to worry that it had become like Akame -- nearly extinct in the real world.

Speaking of KAT-TUN, I was mad at the people who dressed them for that photoshoot.  I'm not a big Jin fan, but our beloved Akanishi was in a loose pink shirt and baggy grey sweatpants.  He looked vaguely like he had just gotten out of the hospital, and while I know it's probably just me, I was sad, because KAT-TUN isn't nearly as tightly knit as they were before, either.  Heck, they've never really been about the "member-ai" at all.  It makes me sad.  But I still like they're music style a lot, even the (what Koki think's is Japanese) rap.

I have to go now.  I must shower and sleep.  Tomorrow, we bring the sets to Langston Hughes (the theater, smart people).  Ah, the price (and back pain) I pay for drama.

EDIT:  There are many grammatical errors in this post.  Please ignore them, I'm tired as a cat lying in a sunbeam at one in the afternoon.

chiimoto, yamajima, satoshi ohno, five time chinen spazzed due to ohno, chinen yuri, myojo, kat-tun, fanfiction, keitochii, chinen-thon

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