The Chocolate Shoppe on Tsukishiro Street - Prologue

May 12, 2008 00:43

A.N.:  Hi everyone!  This is the prologue for my new Yamajima fic, sorry that it's not a full chapter... but it is over 1,000 words!!!  That must count for something!  Anyways, I blame my lack of more writing on the fact that I spent the last bit of my prom crying over my ex-boyfriend.  :'(  But now I'm over him, I think.  Which is good.  And writing Yamajima fluff has made me feel better.  :D  So without further ado...  The ratings, warnings, summary and disclaimer compilation!!

Title: The Chocolate Shoppe on Tsukishiro Street (Prologue/?)
Pairing: Yamajima (Yamada Ryosuke x Nakajima Yuto, for future reference)
Rating: PG for this chapter (will reach R in future chapters)
Warnings: Um... Hikaru's weirdness?  Obscene fluff?  I think I'm good.
Summary: It is Yamada Ryosuke's birthday.  After being successfully woken up by his best friend, Nakajima Yuto, at 12:02 AM, his birthday proceeds like all the ones before until he tries one of the chocolates Yuto gave him as a present.  After experiencing an amazing day that leaves him wondering about his and Yuto's relationship, he visits the Chocolate Shoppe on Tsukishiro Street, the shop the chocolates came from.  Inside, he discovers not only a spectacular array of sweets, but a promise that anything can happen, even one's truest desires can be revealed...
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the Chocolate Shoppe and those who run it.  I am not Johnny-san.  Do I look like an old guy with a talent agency filled with pretty, pretty boys?  No.  We are done here.



…And so the day began.  Yamada Ryosuke untangled his limbs from the pile of sheets entrapping him and reached for his cell phone.  As soon as he caught hold of the offending contraption, he checked the caller I.D. to see who had the gall to awaken him so early in the day.  Of course, the screen read, Nakajima Yuto.  No one else would be possessed to call Ryosuke while it was still dark out.

Ryosuke flipped the phone open.  “Yuto, why are you calling me at…”  He glanced at his clock and almost choked.  “It’s 12:02 in the morning?!  Why did you decide to call me at midnight?!”  There was a brief silence.  Then-

“Otanjyoubi omedetou, Yama-chan!” Yuto yelled into the phone, nearly causing his best friend to go deaf.

“Itai,” Ryosuke gasped, slowly bringing the phone back to his ear.  He had practically thrown it across the room at Yuto’s outburst, and he swore he had heard his eardrum pop.  “Thank you for the sentiment, but couldn’t you have waited until morning?”

“But I wanted to be the first to wish you a happy birthday,” explained Yuto, seemingly upset that Ryosuke was angry.

Feeling a bit like a jerk for nearly snapping at his friend, Ryosuke winced and hastened to reassure Yuto.  “Thank you, Yuto, really.  I didn’t mean to sound so irritable, I’m just tired.  Sorry.”

“I’m sorry I woke you up at 12 o’ clock in the morning,” Yuto replied, giggling.

“Daijyoubu.  But, Yuto?”




When Ryosuke opened the door to the Jimusho, a huge, unified shout of, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!” engulfed him (and the slightly annoyed bystanders), jolting him into taking a step backwards.  A mass of juniors and seniors swarmed towards Ryosuke, pulling him into their midst and slamming the door shut.  He laughed gleefully as his friends dragged him through the hallway and into Hey!Say!JUMP’s changing room, throwing him onto the couch.

“Yah!” shrieked Ryosuke as his band mates moved in to tickle him mercilessly.  “S-someone…!  Tasukete…!”

Yuto was quick to rise to the occasion.  “Yama-chaaaan!!!  I’ll save you!” he called, promptly lying on Ryosuke’s lap, flailing his arms and legs about in random spasms.  Laughing, the others backed away, fearful of being struck by the writhing boy.

“Y-Yuto…!  Enough!  Onegai…!” Ryosuke managed to plead, lacking breath for laughter.  Grinning broadly, Yuto climbed off him Ryosuke and sat next to him on the cushy green sofa.  Ryosuke could feel a comforting warmth spread through his body as Yuto rested his arm along the shorter boy’s shoulders.  “Arigatou, minna-san,” Ryosuke thanked them all brightly, his healing smile lighting up the room.

“…Here’s mine,” Hikaru told Ryosuke, handing him a rectangular box.  “I didn’t know what to get you, so I kinda just grabbed the first thing I saw.”

The younger boy merely smiled up at Hikaru, almost (almost) making him feel bad for not putting more effort into finding an appropriate present.  And yet, he knew that the boy would find it hilarious.  “Arigatou,” Ryosuke returned, beaming as he examined the neon orange wrapped gift box.  Then he carefully unfolded the wrapping paper and opened the box to see… PB ‘n’ J.  Inside white cardboard and several layers of tissue paper lay two jars, one containing peanut butter, and the other filled to the brim with strawberry jam.  The second he looked in the box, Ryosuke cracked up.

“Yes!” Hikaru cheered, pumping his fist in the air.  “I have succeeded with the gag gift!  No one can touch me!”

Yabu’s cough at Hikaru’s last statement was pointedly ignored by the rest of the group.  As was Ryutaro’s mutterings of, “First thing you saw on the shelf?  Where were you shopping, anyway?”

“Thank you, Hikaru-kun,” Ryosuke said, chuckling at the sheer random ridiculousness of the present.

“That finishes off most of the gift giving, right?” Kamenashi Kazuya remarked, glancing around to catch the other’s assenting nods.

But then Yuto held his hand up.  “Chotto matte!” he exclaimed.  “I still have to give Yama-chan my present!”  He sprang off the couch and dug an inch-thick, square package with blue wrapping out from his bookbag.  Handing the object to Ryosuke, Yuto settled down next to him once again, hanging his head over Ryosuke’s right shoulder.  “Open it, open it!”

“Hai, hai, and thank you,” Ryosuke said to calm him, dismissing the delicate tingle that ran down his spine as Yuto’s breath tickled his ear.  “You’re as hyped up as you when you woke me up last night.”

“It was the morning,” retorted Yuto.

“Yes,” agreed Ryosuke.  “Twelve in the morning.”  Refusing to take notice of Yuto’s whispered response (“It counts.”), he took care not to rip the glistening paper as he removed it from the package.  When the gift inside was revealed, he was surprised to see a silvery box of fine chocolates.  Ryosuke could feel his cheeks heat up and instantly knew he was blushing, both from slight embarrassment at what he was sure his friends would react like, and from pleasure at the sweetness of his best friend.

The first cat call came from Akanishi Jin, of course.  Nishikido Ryo was quick to repeat his action, and was followed by several whistles, not the loudest of which from Yamapi, Arioka, and Takaki.  Ryutaro and Chinen were stifling giggles, having trouble choosing between shooting glances at each other and the two on the couch.  “Wow!” said Hikaru, letting out a whistle of his own.  “When were you guys gonna tell us?”

“H-hang on a sec!” Yuto protested, waving his arms in front of him.  “It’s not-that’s not what I-Man, you guys are awful!”  He collapsed, leaning back on the sofa.  “Hidoi yo~!” he complained through the din, barely heard over his band mates teasing and laughter.

Ryosuke couldn’t help but laugh a little himself.  “Arigatou, Yuto,” he thanked the boy, a warm, almost shy smile lighting up his face.  “Although, I could have done without the teasing,” he added jokingly.

“I didn’t think-Well, I guess I should have expected this,” Yuto admitted, gesturing to the rowdy group that was just starting to calm down.  “I was just thinking of what you might like and I saw this chocolate shop, and since I know you like sweets…”  He trailed off, shrugging his shoulders and returning Ryosuke’s smile.  “Try one!  I bet they’re REALLY good!” Yuto emphasized, throwing his arms into the air.

“Alright,” Ryosuke agreed, giggling at Yuto’s randomness.  “I think I’ll try an orange one,” he decided, consulting the little map describing all the chocolates in the varied assortment.  Without further ado, he picked out an orange filled chocolate and bit into it, not realizing how that one bite would set off the rolling stone that would forever change his life.

nakajima, yuto, yamajima, fanfiction, ryosuke, the chocolate shoppe, yamada

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