
May 06, 2008 22:23

Hi, everyone!  (That is, the ONE person who actually reads my journal -- if there are anymore, please let me know.  I will friend you and bombard you with virtual gifts.)  Anyway, I am posting because I have not posted in a long time.  Now, I will update, and thus let you know about the current status of my life.

One day before Sakura Con, my ex-boyfriend and I got back together.  We had only actually been together for a week, about a month before.  We broke up because, while we were perfectly fine as friends, as boyfriend and girlfriend, we weren't communicating.  After a month of me considering, and him occasionally bringing up the topic of our relationship while we reconnected, we got back together.  Last week, he broke up with me, with good reason.  Once again, it wasn't working.  We had tried to fix it, and it went splendidly for a couple weeks, but then we fell apart again.  It is finally settled.  We are much better as very good friends than we ever will be as lovers.  Glad that's over with, and now I won't waste prom (yes, I'm a freshman, but since my high may never get together enough funds to have another prom, everyone is going) dancing only with someone I will never have a relationship with.  We are still going together as friends, but really, we're just tagging along with the rest of our very small and family-like drama department.  Maybe I'll ask Leroy to dance...  Okay... ONWARD!!!

KYAAAA!!!!!!  Yamada-kun's birthday is in three days!  I must write birthday oriented oneshots for his b-day!  MUST.  START.  TYPING!!  ...But what should I type about?  Hmm... FIRST PERSON WHO POSTS GETS TO DECIDE THE FIRST IDEA I WORK ON!!!!!!!!  And if you read Realism in Acting, don't worry, this will only delay the updating process by three days.  :)

Unfortunately, I don't have much time to spare... DX  My school is basically trying to wrap everything up before June, so I have a shitload of Trigonometry work, plus a prison cell to build, a 300 frame animation to finish recording (and its 300 frame sequel to finish drawing -- 100 frames to go!), a play to finish rehearsing (Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, and though I'm only playing Curio + First Officer, I also have to understudy Malvolio, which is a very difficult, yet wonderful role), two paintings to finish painting (I have June for these), and a website to complete.  Not to mention prom (I still need shoes) and Spirit Fest, for which I must complete a costume for cosplaying Roll (MegaMan NT Warrior) for the anime committee booth, as well as tracking down cheap anime for the raffle and baking for TWO separate bake sales.  And considering the crowd, I have two perfect two of my highly demanded desserts for each.  (For anime -- two beautiful and delicious cakes to raffle off, and either one of them has to be a cheesecake, or containing strawberries (my goal).  For drama -- two batches of my famous black bottom cupcakes, and upside-down chocolate chip flats.  They're chocolate chip cookies that are baked, strategically flattened, and baked again.  Served upside-down, flattest side up.)

GOD, what a month.  I can't wait for the summer... oh, WAIT!  I'm busy as hell then, too!!  Sigh... I'll write about that later.  G'night.

oneshots, school, homework, baking, birthday, yamada, update, breakup

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