What Do You Have To Say? - I Spy...

Jan 13, 2008 13:17

 As I glance around my bedroom, I realize that I don't have a single photograph in plain sight.  What does this mean?  I have plenty of family members, and lots of friends, but no photos that remind me of them.  All my memories of happy times, sad times, mediocre school days, they are just that -- memories.  Do I not engage enough in life?  But that in its self is not true.  I make new memories everyday, and I do have photographs, just not where I can see them.  I suppose that's because my room is like my haven.  Here, no one will bother me, and the evils of the outside world cannot break in.  My room is a fortress that keeps the rest of society away, and only when I'm here can I rest easy.  And even then, I'm still haunted by memories.  Memories.  So weak, and yet so powerful.  When you remember, it's hard to get away.

hpphotography2, spy photo, memories, what do you have to say?, writer's block

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