Dec 26, 2010 10:36
So, I've always been a little bit behind on the new stuff. After a year of something being out is when I'll usually put my hands on it. This is a result of indie bias ("If its popular, it probably sucks"/"I don't want to seem like everyone else, so I'll let this blow over, THEN try it out.") and me being a poor college student without the resources to explore the latest technology and video games seem to do this to me a lot.
However- HOWEVER- the dark clouds have opened up and granted me Pokemon Soul Silver. Along with a shiny, blue DS which I am trying my damnest not to nickname Azul (Because Bri's red DS would have to be called Rosso and Wash's black one would be Nero and Russ' silver one would be Argent). On a side note, I ended up getting up at 7 AM on holiday so that I could catch a ride to Walmart with my dad and shell out the money for these things. So, yeah...
Dear Weiss,
I know. I know. I only just got back to working with you and loving you to pieces, only to be snatched up by this new fixation. But, Weiss, sweetie, you don't have to worry and here's why: It's fucking Pokemon. There's nothing worth getting fangirly over in Pokemon, my dear, I promise. And even if there was, I'm 19 and most of the characters are in their early teens (except the villains and gym leaders, who are probably in their twenties, but most of them creep me out anyway.) The only thing I'll really be doing there is naming something wolf-like and white after you (and, you know, maybe naming something silver after Argent and seeing what you two get up to in the Pokemon Day Care). Point is, this will not subtract from my fanficcing you to pieces.
(Perhaps fanficcing you into the Pokemon world? )
~ A.H.
And I AM fanficcing him to pieces, all, because Follow Me, Heaven Tonight, and Shadow to Your Spotlight are all receiving work. Mostly Follow Me (because I've been music obsessed lately), but I've been thinking about Heaven Tonight and Shadow to Your Spotlight. Oh, and Another Place. Bri and I are considering the next prank to be pulled and I'm considering separating the prank war from the rest of the drabbles. Thoughts?
Dammit, RC, you keep making me want to check out Tron!
in another place,
heaven tonight,
video games,
follow me