Dec 06, 2010 10:58
I really should be paying attention to them. I should. Really.
Rewatched a little Utena today. Didn't cry nearly as much as I thought I would. Mikage was/is such a sad character for me. And EVERYONE in that series has a fucked up backstory. For those who have no idea wtf I'm talking about, Revolutionary Girl Utena was this really great, mid-90's anime about a girl who is quite determined to become a prince. That's the short version, anyway. Check TVTropes for further plot details. The Duelists are students at the school who are either members of the student council (that is, Miki, Juri, Saionji, Touga and, to a degree, Nanami and Ruka) or people close to them (in corresponding order: Kozue, Shiori, Wakaba, Keiko ((sort of)), and Tsuwabuki). There's also Mikage, who ran the Black Rose Duels and got the latter group to duel. A duel is a sword-fight in which participants aim to remove a rose (Color Coded for Your Convenience) from the other participant's breast pocket. With the sword. The prize for this is Anthy Himemiya, who never duels but is a member of the Student Council anyway. She's what we call the Rose Bride and has this super-powerful sword that does whatever the hell it needs to do according to the plot. Therefore, if you have the Rose Bride, you have the sword. Naturally, this raises a piss-load of questions about human rights which Anthy just sort of smiles at and blatantly ignores. I want to compare the Tsviets to the Duelists.
Weiss: Well, he's a wicked manipulator, so take out a lot of the cast. So its between Mikage, Touga and (*CRINGE*) Akio. I would say Mikage, but Mikage isn't really a Weiss-y guy. He's not really flippant about much, Weiss isn't delusionally crazy. A lot of me is saying Touga. He's not the BIGGEST Bad in the series, but he's close enough for me to have considered him the villain for the longest time. Until it was revealed that, you know, Akio is sleeping with his sister, which some people would argue makes him Weiss. I am not one of those people anymore. Therefore, Weiss is Touga to me.
Nero: If we HAD said that Weiss was Akio, Nero would be Anthy by default. Because of that whole incest thing. But Nero and Weiss aren't sleeping together in my headcanon, so NO. Fandom could also argue that Nero is Miki, the piano-playing, slightly OCD genius with a clingy sister. But Miki's such a fucking GIRL and Nero is not. I honestly feel like pulling the Mikage card here. Nero is absolutely crazy for Weiss, Mikage was absolutely crazy for Mamiya. When Mamiya died, Mikage snapped. When Weiss died, Nero (who was probably quite unhinged to begin with) also snapped. Snappage happened here. Also, Mikage ran the Black Rose Duels. Nero probably would dig on black roses. Just a little.
Rosso: ... Juri. Juri is completely badass, but went through the trauma conga line from HELL to get to that level of badassery, much like a certain red-obsessed psycho bitch we all know and love. Granted, Juri isn't as bloodthirsty as Rosso, but Rosso isn't anywhere NEAR as composed as Juri is. There's also the fact that a lot of Juri's backstory is based on loving another woman and Rosso HAS no backstory, but I'd imagine that it's not a romantic tale. But they're both badass, you never really quite get either of them in a completely heroic light because they're both working for their own motives, and both of them have closer attachments to men with blue hair.
Azul: Going by rose colors, that would fuck up EVERYTHING because Miki is a little girl and Azul is not. Azul is actually really fucking hard to place because Azul isn't a manipulative prick and almost EVERYONE in the series is. Okay, you know what? I retract my previous statements. Since Miki isn't trying to fuck over everyone, him and Azul are analogous. But Miki needs to legitimately man-up before Azul will agree.
Shelke: ... Uh... Toss-up between Wakaba and Tsuwabuki, but mostly going with Wakaba for a couple reasons. Number one, similar hair color. Two, starts the series as semi-innocent, goes completely batshit halfway through, then comes out of the whole thing relatively normal. Lastly, anything emotional with them makes me want to cry like a little girl. Then again, if Mikage hadn't been so totally Nero, I'd probably say that he was Shelke. For the entire Mikage-backstory episode, they consistently refer to him as a "Human Computer."
Argent: ... Damn, this should have been Juri. Juri's sort of austere in the same way that I could imagine Argent being. Lets go with Ruka, for no reason other than the fact that, just as Ruka is barely considered a Student Council member, Argent tends to barely be counted as a Tsviet.
Dear Internet,
Please stop sexualizing Alois, Ciel and Shelke. They're hella mature but they're twelve (and nine).
~ A.H.
dirge of cerberus,