Dear Argent,
Newfound appreciation for you while outlining this. But trying to think about how you think of sex is really screwing with my head. On one hand, you're from DeepGround, so sex ought to mean very little to you in the long run. But you also come from the world outside of DeepGround where sex actually DOES mean something. Plus, you know, you love Weiss in this.
I had intended to get this done in maybe one really long chapter. You want to make this into something about ten chapters of introspection. I'm not giving you your entire time in DeepGround with him. I'm giving you three days of time with the man. Please make this a bit easier for me.
~ A.H.
Dear Weiss,
I love you. I love you, love you, love you. But our opinions about sex conflict way too much for me to ever want a relationship with you. I accept the fact that, as a born-and-bred DeepGrounder, sex means basically nothing to you. However, the flippancy with which you treat the idea makes me want to strangle you, darling. I'm glad Argent's putting up with it, because I wouldn't.
~ A.H.
Dear Nero,
I'm sorry that you've been put on the backburner since forever. Yes, I know that I'm always paying attention to Weiss and I know you deserve my attention as well. It's something about his eyes, Nero, I swear. Yeah, I know there are about three WIPs with Weiss as the main character and maybe one with you as the main character. And I'm really sorry. Not sure how I'll make it up to you, but I'm going to try.
~ A.H.
Dear Shelke,
Thank you for staying out of this. You get a big gold star for this, Shelkie. Really. Thank you.
~ A.H.
Dear Rosso,
... You've ruined Silent Hill music for me. Half of it is sung by your VA, so all I can do is go, "Rosso wants love? Really? Really?"
Also, thanks for not screwing Weiss in my head. Even now. I appreciate that immensely.
~ A.H.
Dear Azul,
I've got nothing to say to you, man. ... I never do, actually. And you have no decent fics to your name. I want to work on that, believe me, but you just don't give me much to work with. A study of your psychology would be cool, but it just... doesn't... interest me. I'm sorry. I'm thinking of something though, okay?
~ A.H.
(PS: This might just be because Rosso sings most of the female tracks on Silent Hill, but I could totally see you doing the male ones. Just sayin'... )