May 14, 2010 19:12
I'm ill. Something's wrong with my throat and breathing in general. Mom is insisting that it's a cold and has had me sleeping for the entire day, more or less. Honestly, I think I went downstairs around 10, stayed there until 1, slept from 1 until just now. I understand that sleeping helps me get rid of a cold, but this is a bit much.
Out of what I can only describe as "Summer boredom," I've been playing Devil May Cry. Hrm...
Dear Dante,
As far as I understand it, you are the main character. I am supposed to sympathize with you, relate to you, and feel how you feel most of the time. However, you are completely and utterly unlikeable. Maybe it's just because it's the first level of the first game, but I seriously sympathize more with my lawn chairs right now. I relate more to my telephone wires. I have a feeling this is one of those games where I'll be rooting for the villain.
(Also, your movement, dear. I've known pigeons with more motor control and fluidity.)
It wasn't until after I stared down your controls that I realized you were designed by the same folks who got me to pull my hair out over Resident Evil 2 and 3. Freaking Capcom. I think Square Enix has been spoiling me. They've been giving me jewels in the form of well-developed characters who I genuinely like (even if they weren't always protagonists, CLOUD) and exceedingly fluid gameplay.
I'm only playing because I'm bored and hoping to be proven wrong.
Love (if only for your coat),
~ A.H.
devil may cry