Dear Odin Sphere,
Over time, I have come to accept my relationship with you. You are the childhood friend that I fell in love with but when Dirge of Cerberus, with it's thick gameplay and sweet graphics, called me away from you, I was gladly given up with one last sweet caress and a load of unfinished business. Then, you came back, brimming with love and character depth, ready to go toe-to-toe with Dirge for the sake of my attention. I thought we had the agreement that you were the extra-marital affair to Dirge's fiance position. Clearly that has flipped.
Not quite sure where we stand now, but love you nonetheless,
~ A.H.
That being said...
Dear Oswald,
Quit stealing Weiss' position as white-haired hot guy. He's probably older than you, probably taller than you (though I'll never be able to prove either of those points because Atlus hasn't released stats for you or your wife or much of anyone) and may or may not be able to match you in snerk swordsmanship.
I don't care that you've been a fandom longer than he has. Stop using that point.You're even married for God's sake.
Love forever,
~ A.H.
Dear Ingway,
Stop stealing Nero's position as
Magnificent Bastard of my heart. He plays the role so much better than you and didn't raid Aladdin's wardrobe in the process.
I will not hesitate to flip the fuck out.
~ A.H.