Des? Is that anything like death?

Jul 03, 2007 23:45

So, right now I'm updating for lack of anything better to do. CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES which I have ranted about EXTENSIVELY to a certain DENA are happening AGAIN, so I'm downstairs  with some tea taking a break from a bit of angry, late-night studying of German. (Really, what better time to study German?) I've hit a snag with my particles, so I'll just chill and waste time here on the internets. (I may be having trouble with particles, but I can ask where the phone is like nobody's business.)

Mom and I went paint shopping today. I'm painting my room a softer shade of white, so we looked at colors for that as well as for the Rec room. Before, I was planning on using pale blues, greens, and sort of a rosy pink, but while walking down the window treatments and valence curtains aisle, it occurred to me that blue and yellow might look nice in there. It was an odd place for an epiphany, but hey, whatever works. Any feedback? *cough* *Megan* *cough*

Wow, it's the Fourth of July! You know what that means, Independence Day in the Phillippines and in America! Happy Fourth! Megan and I are going to watch the fireworks over at McGregor Downs, possibly with other people if there are actually any other people who are not on vacation.
I still say we should have a picnic. If only because it's been years and years since I've been on one. We can make the little hot dogs that look like octopi and sing merry Welsh drinking songs.

Come on, you know you want to.

In other news, I have discovered Rufus Wainwright! Mom heard an interview with him on NPR, and said he talked about lederhosen and that I might like his music. I youtubed some of his videos, and his music is really nice. He has a very pretty voice. And very pretty hair. Mm... pretty hair...

Argh! I am running out of things to write about about! Ah... well, I finished The Taming of the Shrew. I didn't like it, which was surprising, but the whole 'wives be submissive unto thy husbands' merde that they kept going over again and again was not fun to read. It also bothered me that he never gave you any closure on the whole plot line with Christopher Sly. I think it may be Taming of the Shrew that Ian Finnley is writing a musical version of for Apex next year; I'm sure it's much better when you actually see it performed, especially in musical form. Especially in musical form as done by Ian Finnley.

Oh, thank God, it looks like I can finally go back in my room now and get some sleep. Megan, please call me tomorrow about getting together for the fireworks.
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