(no subject)

Aug 06, 2007 22:59

A lizard died.....and it made me cry.

You know those really cute ones that somehow manage to get into the house, well yeah it died and it made me cry.

"Why?" you ask. Welll it was the way in which the little thing died.

I was in the kitchen with my dad and we were heating up the food my mother had prepared for us earlier. I was gonna put something in the sink when I let out a tiny cry. My Dad came next to me and asked me, "What's the matter with you?"

Let me clarify one thing....I am NOT afraid of lizards. In fact I find them to be really adorable and I particularly like the fact that they are so tiny. But the thing is because they are so tiny and so fragile looking, I get really nervous around them cause I'm scared of hurting them. To top it off, when I was younger I used to love catching lizards. But there was this one time when I got one and held it a bit closer to my face than I should have. The little guy started squirming around a lot and I held onto him tighter than I meant to.

"Eeeeeeee-euh....." was the sound it made before going completely limp between my fingers.

Ever since that incident I decided to never touch a lizard with my hands. It also contributed to my eventual anxiety when having one so close to me.

Well there was a lizard in the sink. It's eyes were really wide even though they were the size of tomato seeds. Before I could say anything my dad turned on the faucet and started to spray it. with the little hose like device beside the spout.  I started crying out for him to stop, but he just kept spraying it  and I brought my hands to my face before walking away. He finally shut the water off and asked, "There is that better?"

I couldn't even speak from how furious and sad I was. I kept biting my tongue so I wouldn't burst out crying. I was mourning the loss of the little guy and my dad only teased me.

I set our meals on the table and saw my dad reaching for the button to the food disposal (That thing that has the ability of crushing and "powderizing" food and bone)

Enough was enough, I thought and without thinking I smacked my Dad's hand with the wooden spoon I'd used to serve, really, really, REALLY hard.

I must  be coming off as incredibly unreasonable and as I think a bit more, it is such an insignificant incident. But I can't seem to help but put myself in the position of the lizard and I freak out. What must it feel like to go down the drain? I picture it to be extremly dark like a tunnel. I hate the darkness.  I imagine the deathly silence. I detest silence, ask anyone who knows me. Then I imagine hearing the sound of thick metal as it is starting to crank up. The sound the  food disposal makes as  it is about to be turned on.  And I freak.

Well its' dead and gone now. But I still can't help and feel a little sad.

It was such a pretty lizard to. The marks on it's back reminded me of a tigar.

BTW has anyone killed something and then regretted it? Just wondering of course.
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