Personal Challenge: This is #2

Jun 11, 2011 17:06

 One-shot #2

Number: 3, Members: Sungmin, Ryeowook, Heechul, Word count: 200 (239), Theme: lies, Rating: pg13 (NOT. It's PG), Letter: N

A/N: Screw the Pg13, my Pg idea was better. ^^ And ignore the random German~ AND! I like this. I really do. Hopefully, you will too. ♥ By the way, I have no idea where this came from. I really don't.  -why is sungmin even asking this-


They are all sitting in the kitchen, alone and silent, together. Heechul leans against the counter in all his elegance and drinks water in silence, Ryeowook peels an orange with his delicate fingers in silence sitting on stool facing Heechul and Sungmin washes the dishes in silence at the sink behind Ryeowook.

The distant ticking of a clock fills the room and the water running in the sink violates the partial silence. It’s not uncomfortable, but it’s close to it. The water runs again and it’s cold on Sungmin’s hands when it should be warm. He turns the tap off and dries his hands. The sink is full.

Sungmin clears his throat.

“Am I cute?”

Ryeowook and Heechul turn around and look at him.


Ryeowook is stunned at Heechul sincerity. Sungmin stays silent.

The silence drags on and no one speaks. Heechul gets up and dumps his half-empty glass in the sink, the water splashing onto the soapy plates and glasses.

“But, then again, I could be lying.”

He puts the glass into the sink, the thing sinking to the bottom.

Heechul leaves the room just like he entered it: in silence.

Ryeowook continues to peel his orange and Sungmin to wash the dishes.

The silence continues and no one questions it. Sometimes, silence is the best of answers.

Sungmin picks up Heechul’s glass. Pale colour-less lipstick marks cover the rim of the glass.

Half-formed smiles, Sungmin thinks.

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