Jan 01, 2011 21:09
2010, 2010 it was really nothing.
sometimes I feel like if i could offer the world one bit of advice it's be never ever fall in love. and then i chuck my bones on the sofa and watch wal-e, and i cry. because it accesses that part of me that knows that knew what it is was to be in love. and that if nothing had happened i could just watch it and life would move along at normal time motion.
at the start of the year i didn't know how much of me was interested in 2011. and now i am here and things feel alright, like breathing is something i should do with regularity. when i write things like that i realise i haven't grown up yet. but i feel closer to being completely a person.
i get headaches when i cry. it kind of sours the whole experience. makes it a drug. you cry and your cheeks have one bead rivers of something thought made liquid. but then the headache comes as a trade off pay back. and its no more a pure experience.
i cry of happiness by the way. i dont think i've ever cried about being sad. more of shock. the realisation that something has happened and you have to deal with it.
the year ended pretty well. i am ready to go.