May 26, 2007 07:00
Well, my expectedly stressful week was just that, but it all proved irrelevant yesterday afternoon when I had my summary meeting with Dr. Constantine Stratakis. All of my test results were extremely good. My internal organs and my blood-glucose-tolerance and chemistry were in excellent shape.
I will need to continue the biannual echocardiograms for the rest of my life, but can hope that the mild stress of each proves equally irrelevant. I am in excellent health and can see all my recent funk as fearful anticipation for... nothing. I have nothing important to be depressed about.
That said, I am tired. I planned, and even continue to hope, to tour Washington D.C. this morning, departing as soon as I've finished my morning routine and packed the last of my accoutrements. Hopefully, I will be home Sunday night, but... :-D I shan't get around to updating this until at least Monday afternoon.
I fly out of Baltimore at 2:40PM, arrive in Portland at 7:45PM, and will meet Mom a few blocks from the Olive Garden tonight. Then to to church with her Sunday and to Portland Union Station for my Cascades 516 to Seattle King Station, just a few blocks from the Metropolitan Grill with my Darling Hubby and my wonderful MIL, Wendy.