May 05, 2009 08:14
No matter how hard I try, time keeps slipping away. I hold onto moments, mere glimpses of true happiness and sorrow. I worry that one day I will even lose these simple moments that I have fought so hard to keep. Things change no matter how hard I try to keep them the same.
And at the same time, no matter how hard I try to make positive changes in my world, the efforts seem to plod along, not making much difference at all. The money and time spent on social action seems to flow like a river away from me into some vast far away place. The efforts spent on self improvement fall short of their goals never truly completing the desired change. So things stay the same no matter how hard I try to change them.
It is an interesting duality. Maybe my viewpoint speaks to my impatience and spoiled nature of wanting what I want when I want it.
Some have told me that this is what life is like as a parent. There is never enough time. Time to play, learn, enjoy, correct, clean, appreciate, sleep, etc. I find myself wishing for more hours in the day. More time to spend with my little angel. More time to make the world a better place before I set her loose in it.
I must settle for doing the best I can. And trying to focus on what is most important to me, and my little angel. But it's hard to settle, because I want everything.
Things will be as they will be, and we will persevere and even prosper. This will be my mantra for now.
Until it, like everything else changes.