It's that Jin?!

Jun 21, 2008 12:01

Hi.. finally one of us update the LJ.. it’s been a while i didn’t write anything here.. Anyway, the weather is really hot! It’s make me don’t wanna go anywhere. Usually i like summer cause i don’t have to deal with all the rainy season that made my shoes wet when i was walking outside. But if it’s too hot, i couldn’t stand it either. I guess i just complaint too much lately hehehe...

I just found something interesting when i watch show KATTUN DA!. It’s a show where KATTUN became the representative of volleyball competition in 2005. There’s an episode when Kame had to directed the CM for promoting the volleyball. He did all the directing and even the editing by himself. At the part when he had to edited the CM, he did that at the studio

And when Kame was talking about the CM, there’s a monitor behind him that showing someone was recording.

Well i think that was Jin who recording. I guess (beside the manager or someone else that’s not a KATTUN member) there’s just the two of them at the studio (it’s just my opinion). And my ‘Akame alert’ says that Kame was accompany Jin while he was recording the song Will Be Allright, that became the theme song of the volleyball event at the moment. And he filled his time while edited the CM that he directed. This the picture when Jin was singing the song at the studio.

Anyway it’s just my own opinion. I don’t want to start a rumor or something, it’s just my head is really missing the Akame moment hehehe... and i wanna know what other people think about this. But if someone already posted it before, well i guess i’m really late hehehe... Sorry...


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