It's sunny today so I wanted to go out and enjoy the lack of rain after yesterday's monsoon. Unfortunately, it's as windy as hell out there. And if it's windy here, downtown will be even worse what with the buildings and various wind tunnels. I really don't enjoy getting tossed about, my hair whipping about my face and getting stuck to the lip gloss--if not ending up in mouth. Mmm...hairspray flavour. (If this were Twitter I'd have to hashtag this entry with FirstWorldProblems.)
I wanted to go downtown so I could shop for a while (I need new clothes, footwear, EVERYTHING so badly it's tragic, really, but I can't find anything I like) then go sit in a cafe I've found very conducive to writing. And failing that, I could at least read there. I've set myself one of those stupid book challenges where I want to read X amount of books by the end of the year. So far, I've read only two. *SIGH* Of course, we're talking A Song of Ice and Fire here, where each book is at least the length of two average books. Hopefully this TVD distraction won't cut into my reading time for too long or I'll never meet my goal.
So it looks like I'll be continuing along with The Vampire Diaries re-watch ALL DAY instead of just this evening. I've now watched up to and including S01E05. As I said to
txgirl0302 earlier this morning, S1 is painful in so many ways. Another thing is as true for me now as it was in 2009: Logan Fell is a dweeb. He is not cool. He is not good looking. He is not hot. Stop making the cool, good looking, hot girls on this show try to sell me on this lie by drooling all over him. Ugh. So much EWWWW.