I've been writing all morning and afternoon for the most part. I occasionally check out Twitter and
latest blog entry for a small mental break from The Beast. (Damn you, Cherie, for writing up interesting TVD spoiler entries that I can't resist reading and keep refreshing to see if any new comments have been posted.)
I'm not really sure how The Beast is coming along. I'm getting close to finishing the rough draft...I think. It's more of a half rough draft and half ready to post draft. Some parts I'm totally happy with--or, more accurately, I've done all I can with those scenes and if they can be made better, then it's not within my capabilities as a writer.
I'm still very unsure about the characterisation. There are a few moments when I think I've got them perfectly nailed down and others where I wonder if they resemble the characters from the show in any way. I'm worried I've made Tyler into a bit of a lovesick wuss. I'm trying to play up his vulnerability along with his more controlled and relaxed persona we saw in 2x20 and 2x21, but I think I may have gone too far. It's just...I don't think he just sorta fell for Caroline. I think he's totally and completely besotted with her, which I think is part of the reason why he felt so betrayed when he found out Caroline had been lying to him all along, especially since he'd been so up front with her once the whole vampire/werewolf thing was out in the open between them. His "I trusted you!" could have just as easily been "I fell in love with you!", IMO. I'm trying to strike a balance with that and keep Tyler's snark and his anger issues into play, but I don't think it's working.
Blargh. Whining and hand-wringing now done, I shall go back to writing. Please, writing muse, let me finish this draft today.