Stalling tactics

Jun 29, 2011 16:22

Still feeling insecure about my Tyler and Caroline characterisations. I've got to stop reading Tyler/Caroline fanfic until I'm finished writing my story. It's just not good for my ego.

I've figured out there's a second reason keeping me from finishing the damned thing. For the past month or so, I've been writing the story chronologically: and now this scene is next, and then Tyler and Caroline do that, and the following day this happens, etc., whereas before, I was writing whatever scenes were already fully developed and plotted out in my imagination--for which I had written plenty of notes, too. And those scenes were all over the place. One of the first scenes I ever wrote back in mid-January (yes, that's how long I've been working on this) happens three-quarters of the way into the story.

I think I need to go back to writing the story in this manner. Well, first I need to do a proper outline (with a handy time line to keep track of the moon phases) for what's left to write. I feel a bit scattered so that might help me focus. And then I'm going to write the scenes that are most vivid and fully realised first until, eventually, all the remaining scenes are written.

And then the rewrites can begin! I was hoping to have this finished by July 1st, but I'll be lucky if I finish before season three starts on September 15th. This is where I could really use a beta. Yes, please do check my grammar and characterisation *rends hair and clothing*, but more than anything, please browbeat me into finishing this goddamned beast!
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