Well. I hadn't planned on being gone that long. I hadn't planned on being gone at all, actually. It just worked out that way. Summer had hit Vancouver full force and I was hell bent on enjoying every sweltering second of it outside instead of inside strapped to a computer. With the necessity of employment looming ahead of me, I knew it would be my last chance to fully enjoy a summer off for a while. Also, I felt oddly apathetic about everything--not that I didn't thoroughly enjoy TV programmes, movies, books, music, food, etc. It's just that any desire to express this enthusiasm and appreciation vanished about a second after I experienced it. Essentially, I couldn't be bothered.
I'm employed now--completely and utterly miserably employed. I hate my job (retail, naturally) with the burning white-hot fire of a billion suns. Yeah, the bookstore had its bad moments, but overall I really loved working there. The current job would be somewhat more bearable if they at least paid me a decent wage. But they don't. Ohhhh, no, they certainly do not. I was making more money when I was getting my employment insurance entitlement. I'm just biding my time, telling myself it's a paycheque no matter how meagre, and looking for other work in the meantime.
I've still kept up with my f-list, though. I very much enjoyed reading the entries as they've popped up. I think I can confidently state that I'm back now and will try to post on a more regular basis. (Although, I believe I have some outstanding emails that need answering first... like, two months ago. *is shamefaced*)
Hmm... so nothing else is new. It's amazing how very little can happen over the span of seven months. There aren't even any new TV shows to go on about (although The Vampire Diaries makes me LOL so hard and I am mightily entertained), just the usual suspects. Mad Men season three was amazing. Spooks series eight was a bit of a disappointment after the excellent writing in series seven. Being Human is back for its second series and is seriously rocking. It's still the best supernatural programme currently on the teevee. Legend of the Seeker S2 is as fun and adorable as ever. Oh. Yeah. Doctor Who. *sigh* After the beyond words awesomeness that was Torchwood's 'Children of Earth', I can barely believe the same man was responsible for the excremental 'Planet of the Dead'. 'Waters of Mars' was a lot better, but then it was followed by the two-parter finale, 'The End of Time'. The less said about that disaster the better. Please, Steven Moffat, PLEASE make series five good.
Alas, I didn't see all the movies I wanted to last year. The one from 2009 I can most recommend is District 9. It was great science fiction--an all round great film in general, really. Keep making those sorts of films, Neill Blomkamp, and don't cave to Hollywood pressure or money. Us genre fans need you! There are loads of movies coming out this year that I want to see. Iron Man 2 is pretty much at the top of that list, as is Tron Legacy. And I kinda saw the trailer for The A-Team in front of Daybreakers and now I want to see it in all its stupid glory. Like, really badly want to see it even though it'll probably be godawfully bad. And it makes me feel old, old, old!
Speaking of feeling old.
Two days ago, out of nowhere, I found myself scouring Wikipedia, iTunes, and Youtube for any and all online content pertaining to Ultravox. I can't say why or what prompted it as no one anywhere mentioned anything or played any of their songs. The last time I listened to them was when I was travelling through Scotland. In 1998. Yeah. Out. Of. Nowhere. Hell, I probably haven't listened to Vienna or Rage In Eden since the 80s.
I'll tell you one thing you can take to the bank. Midge Ure's voice is fucking amazing. It's a bloody revelation. I mean, I've always known he was good but I suppose it has just been so long. Right this very second I'm listening to 'Hymn' and it's pretty much making my brain explode due to how utterly stupendous (I think I'm going to run out adjectives) his voice is (and the song is pretty fantastic, too). And what's going to make my brain then implode is that on Quartet, 'Hymn' is followed by 'Visions In Blue' and IT IS THE BEST GODDAMN SONG IN THE FUCKING UNIVERSE. And when Midge Ure is not singing, he's speaking with an awesome Scottish accent. The man is basically a vocal god.
*sigh* At least when I got reacquainted with my deep and abiding love for Depeche Mode back in 2005, I had a new CD and a world tour to look forward to. No new CD from Ultravox, and while they are touring this year, they're not coming to North America. Damn it! If there was ever a time for me to win the lottery it's now so I can hop on a plane to the UK and see them perform. You see, I've never, ever seen Ultravox in concert. Never, ever, ever. *SOB!WAIL!DESPAIR!* Also, if I won the lottery I could tell my employers to fuck the hell off and die.