Yahou ! I changed it. One more time, I find this one at
fruitstyle ! I'd to look in old entries. lol But, I found something that I like.
I prefer this one. It's simple and clean. And, you can add a header, which is great ! I had a real issue with the tags bar. The spacing between lines was too high. Then, I put it into a tags cloud. This isn't that bad. xD
The funny thing about this, is that I was supposed to go to school these past few days. haha! I am totally lazy ! I can't wake up at time. And, then speak to myself that it wouldn't be so bad if I'll stay at home. I could go tomorrow. No problem. Well, truth is, I say that since monday. xD
Now, tomorrow I HAVE TO GO ! =3
Lucky me. I have still one week to prepare myself for the exam. And, the upcoming week will be rough. =)
Then, this afternoon I finally found an answer to my question : What the hell is procrastination ? What a weird word. I often saw it written but never take time to search. Now, I know. xD
After my so boring life. I'll talk about Senkou no Night Raid
Why ? Because, I LOVE it. It's completely different from what I ever seen in anime. It's kinda complicated with its historical context and all the references and characters. Not to mention the spy agency conflict. =P But, I really like watching it. I have to say, that the first episode wasn't made to convince me. Now, I saw 6. And, I want to know what's happening next. The characters have unique personnality.
I love the duo Kazura/Aoi ! The first is rational and not the kind to talk much, the second is more the friendly kind. They're quite opposite. And it works fine. But, my favorite is Kazura! =3 Well, that would be because he has the voice of Ulquiorra. =P
Uraboku ep.9
Aaaaaaaaah ! They changed a little bit the story. I wanted to see Hotsuma beaten up by some poor guys because he doesn't want to use his power.... and then saved by Yuki. Well, they could have changed this and get Shuusei instead. ^^ Too bad ! I'm saying that coz' I read the manga.
I liked that scene with Hostuma and that girl (I don't know her name, and I don't care much xD). It explains better why Shuusei disappears.
Hakuouki ep.9
Pfff! Not much to say. Chizuru is always in the way. Rhaaa ! Why Hijikata is so gentle with her ?! It's unnecessary ! >___<"
I wonder what will happen with Saito & Heisuke gone...
And for Angel Beats : I love Otonashi with "long" hair. ^^
Now, time to answer meme. ^^
umi_no_suzume for your awesome questions ! ^^
Leave a comment saying "Crushing cell-phones is my hobby"
- I'll respond by asking you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
#1 You live in an anime world, which one and why?
Hummm.... That's difficult. *think...think...think*
I'd like to choose FMA, but since Roy is stalked by Riza it would be annoying.
Then, I would live in Sengoku Basara. Explanation is simple : Date Masamune ! =3 I'd like to join the Date clan so I could fight alongside with the One-eyed Dragon. That will be a good way to catch his attention. Because I don't want to be a Chizuru-like character. =P And of course, i don't think Masamune likes useless people. =P
#2 Who's your favourite seiyuu, when and where did you discover him?
That's easier. ^^ I'm quite new in the seiyuu knowledge. But, the first voice I really loved was Grimmjow's. It's so particular. When you hear it, you know who it is. Then, my favorite seiyuu is Suwabe Junichi. =)
#3 Quand est ce que tu repostes quelque chose sur DA?
Ah, bah ça ? Bonne question. =) Les dernières entrées datent de... Mai ?! Ça passe vite dis-donc. Malheureusement, j'ai pas trop le temps en ce moment. Mais, j'ai quelques scans qui traînent et que j'aimerais bien coloriser. =) Donc, faudra attendre début juillet pour de nouvelles aventures graphiques. J'ai mes derniers oraux fin juin.
#4 Why did I speak french just before? o_o
Ooh ?! Well, maybe you were thinking in french. Or, you thought it in english then wrote in french. That's amusing. Because for my english exam, I had to write a summary in FRENCH. And, although I read the subject. I started it in english. haha! By chance, I noticed it soon enough to translate it. xD
Or, maybe it was just to disturb me? To test me ? I can't even imagine what's going on in your Izaya brain. =P
#5 Between Gregory House and Izaya, who's the most evil?
haha ! Brain and sarcasm fight ! That's a hard question. I don't think I could say who's the most evil. Both of them act for pure self purposes, using other people to get what they want, play with humans like toys.
But since Izaya is the one who wants to start a war, I guess he is the most evil. =)
Waouh ! This is a long post !!!! xD