Nice Day For It

Jun 10, 2002 18:54

We were supposed to go fishing but a comedy of errors resulted in use not wetting a line today. It was a mix of lack of communication, the phases of the moon and people tripping out in general. Bolckheads, Owen and myself went to play B-ball instead and also managed to fit in a hack. Had a fun long weekend - saw the people who I wanted to see and had a rad time. I even received a message from a person who is an "obligation friend" (obligation friend is on who you feel obligated to see eg School Friends, Old family friends, ex-girlfriends etc). I have been contemplating how I will get a girl who I respect very much (and by sheer coincidence is also very hot) and seemed to convince myself to do something about it. I have heard too many stories this week about opportunities that have been lost and I am not going to let this happen. Been watching the soccer religiously this past week. Wish I was there. Wish I wasnt also.
Made Johnny some CDs today - Im sure hime and Remy will be rocking to the flamboyant sounds of the World Famous Beat Junkies on their way to the snow. Which reminds me I must go and organise something-.-.-.
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