Senioritis or Science Class Blues

Apr 12, 2006 03:00

It's about 3 in the morning write now and I am still trying to focus enough to work constructively on the science stuff I have due tomorrow. Thankfully I don't have English class tomorrow morning, because the focus factor is so not happening. Ok so I procrastinated I admit it, but now I would really like to get focused and get done. I think there are two factors in why this is problematic. The first invloves graduation. I have senioritis and I have it bad! I didn't really get this in High School, but boy now I just want to be done and for summer to be here. One problem is that I come back next fall and spend the year student teaching and taking more classes. Technically Student Teaching is a class each semester and we have two more actual classes with it. I love that we have 2 3 hour classes back to back on a thursday and are in the classroom all day the other 4 days of the week. Definitely a preview of what life will be like. But back to science. I am so done with this class and will be leaving it in a matter of weeks. Am I drifting in attention span? Oh Yea!

The second part to this lovely little problem is what I am going to try to refer to kindly as the Science Class Blues. For all you science people out there reading this, I am sorry if I offend you. Now I know hate is a strong word so I won't use it, but I strongly dislike science. I believe it is a wonderful subject and is extremely useful and valuable to society and yes even to me, but I seriously ddislike it a whole heck of a lot. I'm sure everyone can probable guess why, but I'll spell it out anyways. Science has always been my weakest area. Unlike pretty much every other subject I just can't seem to maintain the information I learn in science and so I find myself having to relearn even the simplest things every time I encounter them again. This is very frustrating. Basics, I should have learned and cemented these back in elementary school, but I feel like I literally know nothing. Which is why concept maps are horrible. A concept map (oh lets say to be used with a curriculum package in TE 402 that is due tomorrow) is a nightmare. These maps are supposed to show our knowledge of the material we are supposed to teach. So when the comments come back on a map you know yourself sucks, and they say it is merely a child's understand of what you are teaching and not including your knowledge of it, you feel kind of stupid. I don't like feeling stupid. I'm sure no one does. But alas I have to finish this class and go through another science focused class next year I believe.

For those who don't know I want to teach Middle School Language Arts. I wasn't really positive until this year where I wanted to teach. In fact the previous year I simply though upper Elementary (Grades 4 and 5). The thought of a middle school class literally would have frightened me a little over a year ago. But this past summer was an eye opener. As El. Ed. Majors we can teach through grade 8 in our major area. Mine is Language Arts, and the more I think about it, the more I know that is what I want to do. I sincerely wish I would have been able to realize this my freshman year. Because if I had I would have become an English major who was preparing for secondary ed. which also includes the junior high grades. Interesting how these things come about. Perhaps my student teaching will make me happy to be an El. Ed person for those school that consider 6th grade an elementary grade. Anywho I should probly go continue my attempts at focusing on this stuff.

Signing Off

Kiwi (aka Strawberry Kiwi, hehe don't you just love 6th grade girls)
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