Сплошь белые расисты! Дополнение.

Mar 31, 2021 13:19

Дополнение к этой истории:

Man busted for Midtown attack on Asian woman was on parole for killing his mom

Чем дальше, тем чудесатей. Бугай, избивший женщину, оказывается вышедший на волю убийца собственной матери, живущий в отданной под шелтер для бездомных гостинице (Four Points by Sheraton!) .

"The NYPD has recorded a 1,300-percent increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic."

"News of Elliot’s release on parole prompted city union heads, including Detectives’ Endowment Association President Paul DiGiacomo, to blame local officials.

“When New York politicians and their parole board think it’s a good idea to release a murderer who killed his mother - they certainly can’t pretend to be surprised he brutally attacked a woman in Midtown,” he said. “It’s about time the City Council, State Assembly, and Governor be held accountable for their irresponsible laws and decisions. New Yorkers are clearly not safe because of them. They need to fix what they broke.”

Как и ожидалось, левая сволочь обвиняет white supremacy!
"In the wake of a recent spike of anti-Asian violence and with little evidence, many have begun to point to a divide between Black and Asian Americans as the real issue facing our communities, instead of naming the true culprit: white supremacy."


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