I’m so depressed by this slow connection. When I first subscribed it, the service was good! Starting from last April I noticed that, the connection keeps disconnected each 5minutes and so slow to load a page.My mom said maybe the service is poor because so many people in my neighborhood have subscribed it too. So the line is so busy and crowded. During weekend, I can’t get online at all! *growl*
I really want to change the provider so badly,but my mom said the one who used internet the most is me! LOL! So, if I want to change it, I have to use my own money. So,it means I can only change it when I’ve start working..huwaaaaaaa!! I hope I can get to work soon!
I heard rumors from friends that we’ll be assigned a school and start working end of this month. But until now I haven’t heard any update about it! My mom said maybe I’ll start working next year because schools in our country will have a school break on 20 November.So, the government might assigned us schools next year when a new session/term will start. I don't know whether it's true or not.But I hope it won't be like that! I was so free this 5 months!
So if the work assignation is next year,I think I should find a part time job! I used to say this to my mom, but she wasn't agree with me. She wants me to stay at home and look after my grandma.huwaaaaaaa! I'm so bored! How can I wait for another 3months?? *sigh*
Opppppppssss!!Sorry for making you read my rant!LOL!
This post is made on purpose to flail over Fighting Man is MS.haha!Gomen~
About 'Fighting Man', I really love this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The tune keep stuck in my head! When I wake up from sleep,when I'm eating/taking a shower this tune keep playing in my head! So in love with it!!
Such a great song! I'm so happy that NEWS have come back to us with a lot of great songs!I love all the songs in LIVE album!! So happy that I'm a NEWS fan! Thanks NEWS!!!
About the performance in MS,OMG! So kakkoi!!
When KARA was put together with NEWS, I'm so jealous!LOL!! KARA girls are so pretty!(and sexy!).
Fighting Man performance is awesome! So adorkable!! I watch the clips so many times.Really addicted to it.
It's so funny to see Massu with that ookii glasses!haha!cute!!
Six of them are so handsome ne~
Fanservice from RYOPI!Hugging each other at the end of the show.I really dying seeing it!hahahaha!So sweet.
And the most epic is YUUKO's BUTT DANCE and KOYAPI's SLAP SLAP!!!!!! FUNNY!!! LOL! She He did the butt dance in the performance too!
Yuuko is so into butt dance ne~ (I hope he doesn't into of one KARA girls!haha) I'm sure he enjoying the KARA hip dance,he's a pervert after all!! *smacked* Gomen!!
And I noticed that during tegoshi's butt dance, Massu wasn't there.I wonder where he went.He went to see
tsukixyama @Gina-chan??
(and hidingriding?)*kicked*LOL!!
Was he frustrated with Yuuko for being so dorky that night?hahahaha! I wonder why.
Can't wait for the PV.I'm sure the PV will be awesome too!!I hope we can see it soon!
And I just heard bout the news that NEWS will guested Hey Hey Hey on 1st of Nov!!
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Can't wait for it!
It such a long time they haven't appear in this show! Wanna see them in this funny show again!
I made some gif from MS performance!~
Massu with glasses!Can you see his wink??CUTE!!
RYOPI hugging!! *Kya-ing*
Shige's dance amused me!gomen shige fans(mira-chan especially!)~ He's cute!!!!!LOL!
Tego's butt butt dance & KOYAPI's slap slap!!hahahaha!
Shameless Tego's doing butt butt dance during performance!!*slap his butt*
Ah! Gomen for this long post!!LOL!
Wanna take this opportunity to wish my sweet Senpai,Andrea@
massukawai ,my lovely friend,Haru-chan@
lil_footprints and my cute Jean-chan,
jeanjean94 who loved Koyama's sign language so much,
good luck on your examination!!
Wish you all the best guys!!
Ganbatte ne (^^)v