
May 04, 2010 20:11

Being at home means slow internet connection speed..huhu. to download a 50mb file it takes 1 hour to finish, when I'm at my university it only takes 10 minutes. So, huge differences ne..So annoyed with this connection speed. I can't check my FB as well, it takes so much time to load the page..Huaaaa..So sad. It's already 2 days I'm being at home, but  I'm already bored. I need to find a job quickly..huhu. Doing nothing at home instead of watching the same tv program+eating+sleep is soooooooo boring..

I've heard & read some reports about how amazing tegomass tour this time..Waaaa..I want to watch them too..I hope they will release a DVD. I 'm hoping so much..Will definitely buying if they release the DVD. I've heard about the kawaii zou-san and how funny the cheetah,gorilla,orangutan cosplay pictures on the screen. They must be so damn cute in that picture ne..Really want to see that!!!
I'm happy to hear that their concert in Osaka end smoothly..I wish I'll have more money, so one day I'll able to come to Japan and watch their concert..huhu..Need to save money from now on..huhu..

tegomasu, life

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