A little solitary, but still enjoyable Christmas...

Dec 25, 2007 15:42

Yesterday I met up with ashkitty for a quick cup of tea and to chat with her family a little at this great cafe in Tacoma. The cafe was nicely decorated--it used to be a Napa Auto Parts store, they told me--the service a little distracted, though. They completely forgot my order and it wasn't crowded at all. >_<; I had a very lovely time visiting.

After that was Christmas Eve service at 11pm, where I remembered, very suddenly, I was the reader for the service and got really frazzled and messed up once or twice. Oops. Came home to scramble to wrap the last of the prezzies, fill the stockings, and have a late dessert. All of us were up until after 1:30am, but we still got up early--around 7:30, to open gifts. I was the first up, as is traditional, reading by lamp and Christmas tree light and drinking peppermint cocoa. Yummmm...then the pleasing sound of ripped paper filled the air, here are the highlights:

Gift I didn't know I was getting (I'm almost famous for guessing gifts): Inuyasha laptop skin. Dad kept telling me that that package was extremely delicate and not to shake it. Liar. >_<; Now I have to try to exchange it for something a little less 15 year-old-ish. You can't fault the man for trying, though, he knew it was anime and, therefore, thought I'd love it...

Gift most likely to be very well used: Nintendo DS Japanese/English dictionary. The only problem is the instructions--it's all in Japanese!

Wierdest unasked for gift (Dad is famous for wierd gifts): Miner's lamp--the kind you strap on your head to see by. He thinks it'll be good for me reading in the dark. >_<; I'm enough of a dork, I might actually use it...if there's very few people around.

Wierdest unasked for gift for someone else: Dad got Mom DDR for her Wii. Yes, my parents have Dance, Dance Revolution. How strange is that? I've never played DDR, for God's sake!

We had an early dinner, since Duane is working at 6, and it was wonderful. Prime rib, mashed potatoes, salad, rolls, and Jello. The only bad thing was it was served just as Sirius died. All of us 'kids' had been watching HP5 when Mom announced dinner was ready, so we had an Emo!Harry frozen on the screen for a while before finnishing dinner and resuming the movie. ^_^;;

christmas, family, presents

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