Some beautiful, brillant person over at TokyoPop translated the first Twelve Kingdoms novel! The reviews have been good, so far as I've read on Amazon. What a spectacular surprise! *Adds to wishlist* God, I hope they translate all...9, I think? *Crosses fingers*
Also, I bought myself a birthday present: the soundtrack to Wicked, the broadway musical. *Dies* To say I love it is a gross understatement. I'm so kicking myself for not going to see it over in Silverdale last year. It would have been worth the $80-some dollars, I think. On the other hand, Duane got me the Avenue Q soundtrack today and comparing that to Wicked, well there's no contest between the in musical lyrics, style, and talent, but I enjoyed it, too. Just not quite as much.
*Shout out*
nemkess and
spinshadow, if I came over to hang out, what would be the best day? I'd like to hit the bookstore, but maybe the casino, too. I'd like to see your workplace, Nemmie, and maybe embarrass the hell out of you infront of your co-workers...oh, wait I think maybe I've already done that? Hmm...