Internet! Lovely, beautiful, wonderful INTERNET!!

Nov 30, 2006 18:48

*Hugs college computer*

I'm currently dog/house sitting for a lady from church, who doesn't have internet. @_@;; She's in Hawaii for 8 days--and boy did she pick the best week to go! The Puget Sound (north-west Washington State)has been hit with the wettest November in history (dating back I believe to 1933)and on top of that, we've had SNOW. Not a little snow, but enough to make hundreds of people abandon their cars on their way home, on the sides of the roads. Power's out in a lot of places, but thankfully not at my parent's house or at the place I'm staying. *Knock on wood* College classes were cancelled the Tuesday and Wednesday and I barely made it to where I'm housesitting on Monday. My normal 20-25 minute drive took almost 2 and a half hours. >_<

I swear that the only reason I wasn't in an accident was because of my years of training in on bumper cars. Yes, bumper cars, my favorite carnival ride; when you feel the car sliding one way, you know how to turn the wheel and not try to brake. Everyone getting a license should play in bumper cars. ^_^

Oh! And anyone who wants a Christmas card, I'm sending them out early next week sign up here!!

My Christmas wishlist is here, too.

christmas, weather, dog-sitting

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