Belated Sakura con report

Mar 31, 2006 00:36

I had to work on Friday, so I got there with just (and boy do I mean just) enough time to run to the hotel, run to the registration booth, and then all out sprint half of Seattle to get to the Howl at the Moon bar in time for Nem's party.

I was literally there at the deadline, out of breath and legs screaming in pain. Not that I felt the pain much the rest of that night.

I've officially been drunk now. I had a whiskey coke, a chocolate cake, a caramel apple, two 'jello shots' (they're more like gelatin flavor alcohol injections--fed to you by a cute young waitress who climbs into your lap in order to get the proper angle for the whip cream covered injector/plunger thing into your mouth) and an Adios Mother Fucker (similar to Sex on the Beach, but with something blue.)

It was a good night and surprisingly none of us were hung over in the morning. We got up and went straight to the con, me limping painfully along as the stupid convention center didn't have any sort of wheelchairs and the dealers room was sadly lacking in the normal weapons booth that sold sword canes. It sucked for me as my muscles were cramping badly and I rediscovered my shin splints. *Shakes fist at convention center* I would have also paid good money for a cane that day, but none were available.

Cosplay was great. ponderosa, you should have come--there was a skit were Roy was just about to dip Risa (and her in a miniskirt uniform by his orders), when the homonculi ran on stage...each in a different color of the rainbow...dancing to the Fanta song. Yes, they spoofed FMA with Fanta. It was good times.

One girl got an award for something like Most Crowd Inspiring because she came on stage as San from Princess Mononoke and sang and half the crowd whipped out their cell phones and swayed along. It was very cool.

There was another skit that had a little kid dressed up as Ed from FMA running back and forth on the stage with a sign that said 'DunDunDUUUN!' (which was a cew to the audience to say the phrase), as each plot point was uncovered. The kid 'fainted' at the end of the skit. Too cute. And the audience went 'DunDunDUUUN!' at all the bad MC jokes for a while after that.

Sunday Nemkess met her new obsession. The band that we saw on Saturday afternoon on a whim, Camino, did a Q&A panel and photoshoot/signing on Sunday. That took up most of our day. I amused myself by sketching the band members in bad manga style...then was half-amused and half-mortified when Nem took the drawings up to be signed by the band. >_< Especially since some stupid idiot in the Q&A panel had asked them what they would do if someone made a yaoi dj about them. *Facepalms* How dumb can you get, really?

It was fun to watch them sputter and their eyes bug out, though.

Closing ceremonies were normal. I was bummed, as was the rest of the audience, that they didn't show any of the winners of the AMV contest. All of my friends and I had missed it, so we were hoping they'd recap the winners. No dice. They did have the kareoke contest winners preform...that was interesting. The first place winner had a good voice and was dressed up as the Wicked Witch of the West. The second one...well, let's just say she didn't win because of her voice, but because her song was a Naruto adapted filk of 'Holding out for a Hero'. The lyrics were cute, but eek, the singing wasn't so good.

Didn't buy too much this year. Though I wish I had bought a few things I passed up. The evil bunny slippers for one. A Chinese dress for another. There were many more booths for kimonos and various outfits this year, including Victorian corsets, which I tried on and found nice. Didn't get one of those either, but maybe someday.

Just in case anyone's been curious as to where I've been, why I haven't been posting, my internet connection's been hinky lately. It's what I get for leeching. I know I've missed somethings, and some birthdays lately--inlcuding caerfree yesterday. I'm sorry. I may not have posted, but I sent you all massive good birthday/everyday wishes.

birthday wishes, sakura con, rl

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