Yuletide story

Jan 01, 2006 00:45

Some of you may remember my Yuletide panic on the 21st. Well, thanks to elynross I got the fic in within hours of the secondary upload being available. Thank God.

I hope it didn't mess up anything for my recipient, (*drum-roll*) silveraspen. And I hope she enjoyed the fic--it wasn't one of her first choices, but I really did try hard to make a worthy gift for her...though, it turned out rather bittersweet/angsty/depressing.

*Sweatdrop* I shouldn't have written anything humorous before December, knowing my muse likes to swing back and forth like the bi-polar bunny it is. That TeniPuri/HP xover killed off the chance of a light and fluffy fic.

I was completely looking forward to writing an introspective fic for either The Dark Tower series or The Princess Bride, which besides Honor Harrington were her top picks, but my older brother moved out and took half the DT books with him and the only copy of TPB I could get a hold of was the William Goldman version--which is very similar to the movie (a 'duh!' since he wrote the screenplay)--but only one third of the original book. Of course I didn't realize the extent of his abridgement until I had read the entire book, which took me three days with work interrupting. (Surprise!)

I wasn't sure if she (Aspen) meant the book or the movie version for her fic, so I moved on to my last straw...(Since, I'm sorry, but though I am a fast reader when needs be, I could not imagine reading all of the Honor Harrington series within a week or so.) I went back and checked her final option--and sighed in relief.

The Dark is Rising series...which ashkitty had gotten me into, but I had never finished. I ran out the next day and bought the last book in the series, the only one I didn't have and hadn't yet read. Read, loved, sat in front of a computer for six hours writing the monster that is:

Moments of a Lifetime

my fics, yuletide, dir, surprise!

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