Holiday update

Dec 30, 2005 00:52

Thank you so much to those who sent cards! I will be sending out...something. Soon.

*Hugs* I'm glad that everyone seems to have had a good Christmas/December 25th/Soltice/etc. Mine wasn't too bad. My feminine side decided to rear up on Christmas Eve, so things weren't perfect, but luckily there is a lot of chocolate around here and Ibprofen to down by the dozen.

As far as gifts go, from my family it was the year of 80's movie flashbacks! I wanted to replace my favorite tapes, so I asked for 'classic' movies and I received a handful of DVDs; The Last Unicorn, The Last Starfighter, The Dark Crystal, The Princess Bride, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (okay, so this is technically not a classic in America, but it is in Japan! *Adores Miyazaki*) and the new version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

I also got David Eddings' books Polgara the Sorceress and Belgarath the Sorcerer to almost finish off my collection. I think I'm only missing The Rivan Codex, which I've heard is not great anyway. (I didn't ask for manga from my family, as I knew that most of the series I like would cause them to turn red in the checkout line...if they even got there...and that's for the tame series! ^_~ Plus I knew that I could buy them through Nem cheaper, anyway.)

Other miscellaneous gifts: a cd player (my old one hisses when you adjust the volume and doesn't play CD-R's--hence my dad hasn't seen his cd player in months ^_^;), a new Me First and the Gimme Gimmes CD, a new diskgear thingy (I've now taken my music cd's out of my old one and am going to put my anime CD's in them. I have much more anime CDs than music. >_<), two pairs of toe socks (the same colors--Mom didn't realize she had the two of the same pair until she was home), and a 'gift certificate' to go shopping with my mom for "whatever I may need". Because I've yet to perfectly imprint 'taste' into my family and they know it.

Christmas Eve dinner was nice and quiet--we ate late since I had been working then had to run directly to church for service with the band. Got home and immediately started wrapping. >_< I'm such a procrastinator. Dinner after that was cold turkey, a gift from my parent's friends--it was one of those pre-cooked, dry rub turkeys? It was good--very well seasoned.

Christmas Day--presents, movies (I saw Serenity! Dave got it! Very cool!), and spent a good few hours alone in my room, curled up wishing I could have my reproductive system removed with blunted instruments. The painkillers kicked in again in time for dinner with my Godparents. Man, I haven't seen them or my Godsisters in too long. I wish I had been in more of a mood to interact. As it was I was very content to play the wallflower. Oh well, that's how life goes.

Happy New Year everyone!

christmas, family, presents, rl

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