My brain is only happy when I'm overwhelmed, I think....

Nov 09, 2009 15:08

I'm supposed to be looking for a job, finishing up my JET application, preparing for the Pink Ribbon Bazaar on Saturday, fielding phone calls and paperwork for Mom while she's back in MN with a dying friend, and various sundry things. So what does my brain keep nagging me about?

I miss the Mystery Music Fridays. I'd love to see it started again--I'd even give hosting it a go, if I thought I'd be anything but an unreliable, sporatic host. And if I thought people were interested in sharing with me.

The thought just won't leave me along. I really, truly enjoyed toxictattoo's FMME. So the question should I resolve this? Poll time!

Poll The "Tell Me What To Do" Poll

So, fl, what do you think?

poll, music, rl

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