*Reshapes wall with forehead...repeatedly*

Oct 27, 2009 08:59


I had one of those premonition feelings last night and turned on my alarm clock. I didn't need to get up at 7:45am for any reason, but it seemed like the thing to do. So the alarm went off and I felt like an idiot, so I rolled over and turned it off. Then the dog barked to be let in and Mom obviously couldn't hear her, so I got up to let the mutt in.

Mom met me in the hall way...

Mom: You won't believe the e-mail I just got from Japan.
Me: That doesn't sound good.
Mom: The November group (that we've been working our asses off on) just cancelled.
Me: BzzahWHAT?!
Mom: They had 60 kids fall ill. The whole school (fairly major Japanese public high school) the students are from is closed.
Me: O_o;
Mom: They want to reschedule for March...when we have three other groups coming in.
Me: *Banging head on wall repeatedly*

So now I have to see if I can find a "normal" job for Christmas, because I haven't had income in a year and there goes the small paycheck I was hoping for.

japanese students, omfg, teaching, fiu, i need a job

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