(no subject)

Dec 24, 2008 12:13

Yee gads, I have been horrible about keeping in touch and posting.

And as it is almost midnight Pacific Time, Christmas has already past for everyone. Still, it's not bad to squeeze out the holiday's peace and love as much as possible. LOVE YOU GUYS! Hope it was a wonderful, warm, relaxing and joyous Christmas/Hannukah/Winter Solstice/December 25th/Boxing Day/Kwanza and an even better New Year for everyone!

A few things about my life in the last 3 months:
- finished my senior year Fall quarter maintaining a 3.71
- have a slight chance of having an art piece published in a book
- have been virtually snowed in for more than a week
- am no longer able to raise my arms over shoulder hiegth (SUCKS!)
- definitely graduating in spring with 1 major and 2 minors
- turned in my J.E.T. application, but it was so last minute, it was not well done...damn. I'll hear back in January/February
- had a good Christmas, all in all, with some decent shopping, great food (pancakes for breakfast, fried rice for lunch, and prime rib for dinner...sooo damn good), and then there's:
I got a variety of things from the brothers and 'rents this year:

A marshmellow popper (See: http://www.woot.com/Blog/ViewEntry.aspx?Id=6697 ) OMG. Soooo much fun! We shot mini, tropical-flavored marshmellows at each other and the dog...then we had to look up if they were bad for dogs, as she ate more than a dozen. >_<;

A threadless t-shirt (See: http://www.typetees.com/product/1046/Movies_Ruining_the_book_since_1920 )

Prince Caspian
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

Lynn Flewelling's Shadow's Return
Gail Carson Levine's Two Princess of Barrame
Shannon Hail's Enna Burning

And a Fujifilm Finepix J100, 10mp & 5x opt zoom digital camera (See: http://www.fujifilm.com/products/digital_cameras/j/finepix_j100/ )

Oh, before I forget again--THANK YOU to all who sent me Christmas/holiday cars, especially haarmis. Your card was lovely and is sitting right beside my laptop!

christmas, rl update, gifts

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