Feb 28, 2006 14:52

We have this awesome remote control-thingy for my sociology class so that we can take multiple choice quizzes and do surveys and make graphs and instantly see the results for our 400+ person class. Well, the other day we did a survey question that asked, "When was the last time you used an illegel drug(not counting alcohol)?" And 37 people said they had in the last hour...

The teacher, suspecting people were trying to be funny, made us take the survey again...at which point 32 people said they had used in the last hour...so 5 people were lying. Everyone got a big kick out of the fact that nearly ten percent of the class was on drugs, and she made jokes about cheet-os the rest of the time.

Oh college.

In other news, I have a bitch of a cold: the ol' chest congestion, nose leakiness, hacking cough, itchy eyes, sore muscle, can't hear out of my left ear at all kinda deal. I went to the health center yesterday and watied for about 2 hours for them to tell me I have a virus and there's nothing they can do for me. I got some nose spray that I can use once a day for three days, and the doctor told me to throw it off a cliff after the third day because he doesn't want me to get addicted...yeah to nose spray...

Also, there were seriously 50 people at the health center all looking and sounding like they had the same problem as me. Apparently we all need to stop passing viruses to each other. I suggest class and all class-related activities be cancelled until Spring Break so that everyone can get well and rested for the holiday.

Speaking of...it's so only 8 school days until SPRING BREAK! (if you don't count today...which I don't, because I only have 1 more class today).

I forgot my digital camera this weekend, so I had to use disposable cameras at the whores n gamblin party, and I still haven't gotten them developed. But, as soon as I do, I will post the highlights...for they are no doubt glorious.

Also, the Union Board here is still trying to come up with a musical act for Little 500 weekend, which is April 21-22 (if any of ya'll want to come down, you definitely should ~ it's SOOOOO much fun!) and the names being thrown around right now are Snopp Dogg and John Mayer. I hope one of these acts actually comes through! I have to say I am partial to John Mayer, but I think Snoop Dogg would be really cool also. However, knowing this stupud school, we'll probably be stuck with someone lame like Yellowcard or Good Charlotte.

Hey...does anyone know where Guster is playing on 4/20 this year!? We must continue the tradition!

Hope all of you have a good week. Love you!
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