Nov 07, 2004 19:51
ok so friday i got home from school then sat around and went to tommys around 6. then we went to the estero-gulf coast game and we lost 33-0, what else is new? one of the closest games of the year lol. and tommys sisters were on the chearleading and dance team. the marching band or whatever was so kickass it was way better then ours ours is gay. so ya then we stopped for wings and chinese food ate that talked to ppl online then went to sleep.
well brittany and chelsea had to get up at 5fricken 30 in the morning so they woke me up and i was just dozin off and on until like 10. then me and tommy played football and talked online all day. then cory came over and we all hung out and played madden for a lil bit and went to sleep because they had hockey up in tampa and they had to be there at 845.
alright now funny story time. im on the phone w/ kimber and she goes ill call you back in a couple minutes so i go ok. so whilke i was waitin for her to call back corey goes andy how bout we pretend im a retard and see what she say, so im like alright go for it. she called back and my god it was the funniest thing ever. he was sayin stuff like "tommy tommy i found da moon its in da sky! shhhhhhhh its dawk outside but its bwight in heya we twicked da moon! sometimes in school we have to find a tweasuh on a map and theres an x, but you dont have to dig it out so its not buried tweasuh! they cheated us. andy andy my guhlfwiends so smawt she knoes 5 plus 5!" then he started singin to eminem and chritina millian hes like "my guhlfwiend can dip it low and i pick it up slow!" then after that me and corey a great conversation
corey: andy why am i special?
me: everybodys special corey
corey: but how come im specialuh?
me: well corey you happen to be one of the lucky ones buddy:
corey: wow! thats what my mommy said to
if you dont think its funny then i guess you had to be there cuz it was funny as hell. well ya thats bout it im tired as hell and im off to bed. zip it up and zip it out comment