Fandoms meme

Sep 09, 2008 12:53

Fandoms meme (stolen from samej_eh )

No tenía ganas de escribir el meme en español y en inglés así que lo he hecho en inglés sólo. Son respuestas muy chorras y dudo que tengáis problemas para entenderlo (sobre todo mi inglés de los montes XD) pero si alguien quiere que traduzca algo al español, sólo tiene que pedirlo ^^

1. If you write, fandoms you have written/are writing/plan to write and favorite ships.

Fandoms I’ve written about: Harry Potter, Death Note and Bleach. I’m not planning to write about any other fandom unless I got obsessed ^^

Harry Potter

I have written:

Main pairings in fics: Sirius/Bellatrix, Sirius/Lily, Sirius/James, Bellatrix/Remus, Sirius/Remus, Lucius/Bellatrix, Regulus/Narcisa, Draco/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Draco/Luna (not posted yet), Lucius/Alecto, Bellatrix/Lucius/Snape/Narcisa, Bellatrix/James, Sirius/Bellatrix/James.

Secondary pairings in fics: James/Lily, Rodolphus/Narcisa, Harry/Cho, Neville/Ginny, Ron/Padma, Charlie/Parvati, Snape/Harry (o_O), Lucius/Narcisa, Harry/Ginny (>_<)


Sirius/Bellatrix, Sirius/Lily, Sirius/James, Regulus/Narcisa (Blackcest, Death Eaters and Slytherins pairings mainly ^^)

Death Note

I have written:

Main pairings in fics: Mello/Near, Matt/Mello, Near/Misa.

Secondary pairings in fics: Mello/Halle (implied), Light/Misa (implied)

I’m writting/planning to write: BB/L, BB/Near, BB/Mello, Mello/Halle (many other pairings are possible ^^)


Mello/Near, BB/L, Light/L, BB/Near, BB/Mello.


I have written: Ulquiorra/Orihime

I’m writting/planning to write: Ulquiorra/Grimmjow, Aizen/Orihime, Shirosaki/Orihime, Aizen/Gin (I have to, but I’m not fond of this pairing) (many other pairings are possible)

2. Fandoms/Pairings you are ADDICTED to at the moment:

Death Note: Mello/Near, BB/L

Bleach: Ulquiorra/Orihime

Harry Potter: Sirius/Bellatrix

3. Fandoms/Pairings you like, but aren't necessarily obsessed with:

A LOT!!!

Death Note: Light/Near, Near/Misa, Matt/Mello, Mello/Halle, L/Mello, L/Near.
Bleach: Grimmjow/Ulquiorra, Grimmjow/Orihime, Shirosaki/Ichigo, Grimmjow/ichigo, Ishida/Orihime, Byakuya/Yachiru, Kenpachi/Yachiru... (I could not stop XD)
Harry Potter: Bellatrix/everybody, Sirius/everybody, Luna/everybody, any kind of Blackcest ^^

4. Fandoms/Pairings you're new to, but enjoying:

There aren’t new pairings in Death Note for me >_<, but I would like to read a BB/Misora T_T
Bleach: Byakuya/Ulquiorra, Shirosaki/Ichigo, Ichigo/Ishida

5. You can chose one non-canon pairing you love to become canon (in a good way that the writers don't screw up). Who do you pick?

Ulquiorra/Orihime, since the manga hasn’t finished yet, it would be great that it happens ^^

Other fandoms: Mello/Near and Sirius/Bellatrix, but these two series have already finished, so we can’t put hopes on them >_< (but I think they are already canon ^^)

6. You're only allowed to read fic from one fandom (any pairing) for the next three weeks. What fandom do you choose?

Death Note.

7. You're allowed to refer to your favorite ship only by a shipper name. What ship is your favorite and what would you name them?

My favourite pairings have already a shipper name: MeroNia and UlquiHime.

Sirius/Bellatrix hasn’t but it would sound very weird: Siriutrix, Bellatrius o_O

8. Two of your fandoms are going to collide in a spectacular crossover. Which fandoms would you pick?

Death Note/Bleach XD, I think it’s very possible indeed, they both have shinigami ^^

Another interesting crossover for me is Harry Potter/Death Note. I got the idea about Light making a request for being the new DADA teacher in Hogwarts (if someone wants to know more about this, I have more details ^^)

9. You have to choose between reading bad porn about your fandom obsession of the moment, or no fic at all. What do you pick?

How bad is the porn??? XD, if it’s really really bad, I think no fic at all.

10. You're asked to pick a theme song for one character/ship. What song do you pick, and for whom?

I suck at these kind of things >_<.
“Not while I’m around” from Sweeney Todd OST for Mello/Near. I even thought to write a fic based on this song, but songfics are forbidden in ffnet T_T

11. It's 2 in the morning and you should be doing math homework sleeping. What kind of fic do you read instead?

Surely, one with a very weird pairing that had caught my attention while I was looking for good Mello/Near or Ulquiorra/anyone XD.

12. The ship that makes you go "Awww" is...

Mello/Near XD (though they usually share a very twisted relationship, I love sweet Wammy’s House stories ^^)

13. The ship that makes you want to yell, "Just have sex already, you morons!" is...

Ulquiorra/Orihime XD, It must be unbearable to live with that huge UST. They NEED to do it ^^

14. The ship you're probably going to hell for shipping is...

Sirius/Bellatrix, is incest but I don’t think it’s so bad. Sirius’ parents were cousins too, marriages within pure blood families were very usual at Magical World.

15. The character you alternatively love to death and want to beat some sense into is...

I love my favourite characters the way the are T_T. Characters I would do that aren’t characters I love to death. I would say Harry, but he isn’t a favourite character for me. Maybe Light, because I like him but I don’t like him very much in second arc ^^

16. The character you're almost embarrassed to admit you like is...

I’m not embarrassed. I’m very proud of characters I like ^^

17. Your very first fandom/ship was...

Draco/Hermione XD.

18. The fandom you could read any kind of fic in is...

Death Note, because I almost like all possible pairings. Bleach and Harry Potter have many popular pairings I’m not interested in at all.

19. The fandom you would totally write an anonymous Mary Sue fic in is...

Any. My favourite fandoms have enough interesting characters and they needn’t a Mary Sue.

20. The show you would bring back from cancellation...

Saint Seiya and Ranma ½. I know I can download the anime but when they were on air in Spain I never managed to watch the whole anime. They were always repeating the same episodes and came back to the beginning >_<

bleach, harry potter, death note, meme

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