
Jan 23, 2004 12:44

im sittin here doin nothing. usually this time last semester i didnt have to wake up for class at all. unfortunately i have to walk 15 min all the way to school for 1 hr and today it was especially painful because i had to walk in the bitter cold and wind tunnell that is nyc. i got confirmation from dean baker yesterday that i can proceed to organize the volleyball team which made me quite happy. but other than that i had a shitty day yesterday. it started off by me running my ass off, let me do this chronologically:
1) went to 10 am solids class with my solid mechanics text and systems text but with out my ee120 text
2) got my add/drop slip signed by my advisor
3) at 11 am i ran back to my apt grabbed my ee120 book and dropped off my solids text and then to shakespeare and co. to return my ee120 book cause we didnt need it.
4)went back to cooper and noticed that they had the book fair going on.
5) at 12 am went to 30 cooper and gave in my add drop, and attempted to see dean baker who wasnt in yet.
6) went to mcds and picked up 2 mac jrs
7) went back to cooper bartered with some kid to bring down the price of his solids text he was seeling to 77, then i reserved the book because i had to got to my 1 pm systems class.
8) at 3 i ran home got my solids book went to shakespeare, returned the solids book to shakespeare, went to two mcds for the atm machine (the first one was out of order) went to the book fair picked up the new solids book.
9) went to 30 cooper and caught up with dean baker.
after all that running and class i saved 51 dollars on a text book and was notified i could start vb.

that wasnt the worse i get home and i do absolutely nothing for about 3 hrs and then proceed to talk to people online when my aim has a spaz attack, where i cant im certain people. i go to aim help and they say to upgrade to the newest version of aim, which i do and now i cant even sign on to aim. i am enraged at ao(fuckinhel)l at this point. now i go to aol customer service online and it says to wait a few moments to sign on again. i hate the word moments. what is a moment? how long is a moment? well after i had waited i would say 20 min i tried to sign on again this time with aol instead of aim and i was able to but no buddy list and i couldnt im, which confuzzled me. so i proceed to sign on aim with my moms sn which works so im like wtf is goin on here. at this point im ready to punch a hole through my computer and am completely seeded with anger. so i wait another 15 minutes and then attempt to sin on aim again and i sign on but my buddy list is gone and i cant send ims to anyone. i go to aol customer service and they say i have to wait hrs n i right there yell out fuck u. katie prompts me to call customer service which those fuckers have me on hold for bout 10 minutes and what i learn was there was a bug in the system where aol customers couldnt see there buddy lists or couldnt see there complete buddy list, but it wasnt just me it was all through the system. i am satisfied but still enrage. i then carry on a convo with katie over the phone bout my terrible day after i get off the phone and proceed to read i remember i had to look something up o the internet and as i turn my screen on i see that im signed on with a buddy list and everything and then i screech and holler.
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