Mar 01, 2006 15:20
I feel different today. Wierd. Maybe. Just different. Maybe I'm just looking for something to write about. It's march already. That seems wrong somehow. Well, maybe not wrong, perhaps incorrect. A mistake. A typo. What happened to february? Where did january go? It's march and nothing's green. It should be spring but nothing's changed. There's still alot of grey clouds in the sky.
They say the best writing comes from personal experiance. But, sometimes, the things that make it personal are the things you don't want to share. I want to write about the things that matter. But, things that matter are hard to put into words and condense in to sentences. I want to tell things to the world. But, at the same time I'm to scared to want to make a real difference. I try not to make this to personal. And it really isn't. I try not to say to much. I try not to do alot of things. But I try to do just as much. Trying isn't always good enough.
Think about the things you miss. Then the things you hope for. And just accept it.
Count the shadows on the cieling. Count the number of times your heart stops when you can't help but think about what you really don't want to think about anymore. Count the days that it rained, and all the days you smiled. And count how many of them were worth it.
Hey you.
Yes. You.
Fall in love with me