Apr 29, 2004 20:16
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines "problem drinking" as:
More than 14 drinks per week, or more than four drinks at a sitting for men.
More than seven drinks per week, or more than three drinks at a sitting for women.
A standard drink generally is defined as a 12-ounce beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor.
Britboi24: hwy are you there buster?
Auto response from NegusXeno: nap time
Britboi24: Justin....I am not impressed by your advice on alcohol...It doesnt matter, please understand that, come live in the UK for a while....we drink when the hell we want and we drink a whole load!! we dont all become lushes....infact Im sure we have less of an alcohol problem here that you do in america....and that is probably because you look too deeply into it there!!! dont worry, think like the british....we drink when the hell we want, were not alcoholics, we are just very down to earth....we go out and have a good time, we are sensible...we dont care how much our friends drink, we are young and we will enjoy going out for a drink...it doesnt matter if we drink one drink or we drink 20 drinks....what the hell is 'a drink' anyways....we drink in pints here and that is all I know!!! I have been brought up in a society that thinks of the local pub as a vital thread in society, its not evil!!! trust me!!.....this is not a personal attack on you....only I feel that americans in general are too hung up on alcohol consumption for their own good....Its what you have been taught I know, I know that we are not the perfect example of society here in the UK, we have murder...we have rape and terrorism and violence...we have poverty and homlessness and a whole lot of other undesirable things.....but we dont blame it on alcohol....alcohol is not the cause of any evil, its just a way for people to relax and have a good time, the day we stop people drinking here in Britain is the day that we all give up the will to live!!! we have a constitutional right to drink, I have been drinking loads since I was 15 years old and I have graduated university, I have travelled the world, Im an intelligent person and I know a whole load of people just like me!!! and I hope to god that the kids of today follow in MY footsteps...because if they do then tommorow will be a wonderful place!!!!.....Im not having a go at you, you are a great guy and I have a LOT of time for you, I just urge you to think before you push statistics down peoples necks!! have a good night....your british buddy Steven xx