The things my dog has eaten

Jul 18, 2009 11:56

So since I've been home Jake has eaten more things that dogs shouldn't eat than ever, which means I think I'm just going to start a list and see where it goes, which will include all of the things I can remember from the time we got him...

1. Winnie the Pooh slipper (check out the picture on Adam's facebook pictures, he was losing his teeth at the time and Pooh got bloody)

2. Too many dog toys to be able to count them all

3. Same goes for cardboard boxes

4. Four flip-flops, all Kristen's

5. One pair of shorts

6. One tank top

7. One plastic sewing box (he started to crap out tiny plastic pieces, which meant a trip to the vet)

8. Mom's fabric scraps

9. Kristen's yarn

10. Dante's Inferno (a book)

11. A TV remote (Charter wasn't too happy when we returned it)

12. The blinds in our apartment (which they were nice enough not to charge us for)

13. The arm to my favorite chair

14. A Wii nunchuck

15. My mom's pin cushion for her sewing pins and needles, including the pins (puked that up all over the carpet in the hallway)

16. The black edging for mom's garden

17. A blanket

18. A kitchen floor rug

19. Three bag straps (which makes it a whole lot harder to carry two of our duffle bags and one school bag)

I love my dog, but sometimes I don't think he's the brightest crayon in the box, and he's only a year, so the fun is just beginning.
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